Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Demons Murder Two Catholic Priests In Nigeria. The Mainstream Media Is Silent...

  What are we consumers concerned about here, in the U.S.? 

Why inflation of course, especially at the pump when we fill up our gas tanks.  The pain of $50-$100 a fill-up hurts -- really hurts...

We are concerned about the direction of our country, being led down the primrose path of Marxist communism by a rogue "administration" bought and paid for.  We have a puppet for a "president" being handled by the haters of America -- and life!

The other day the Supreme Court ruled Roe null and void -- dead, that is.  The Court sent the decision of whether or not to kill pre-born babies back to the state legislatures.  I guess you could say that's good news.


We also have to worry about the traitors running and ruining our country and getting us into a hot war with Russia.  To the warmongers, a proxy war isn't good enough; there's more money to be made if we go all out and hit Russia with nukes.  Of course, that would mean the end of mankind as we know it, where the living would certainly envy the dead.  But that doesn't seem to enter into the wicked, evil minds of the rogues occupying the Oval Office and the military-industrial-complex, fanning the flames of arms sales, and, at the same time, weakening our military with nonsensical "wokeness" and soy-boys dressed up as soldiers...

We also have to worry about a very weak and treasonous novus ordo "church" that passes for the Catholic Church, at least that's what the world sees.  But the world doesn't see the real Catholic Church here in America.  Do I mean that there are two Catholic Churches?  No, there is only one... One is a facade, a mere imitation of the real Church, it has actors who wear the Roman collar, but in reality, they are soldiers, not of Christ, but of Satan.  Those intellectually possessed minds are doing the evil work of the devil, they are the Judas goats leading the lost sheep over the cliff to eternal damnation...

Where is the real Catholic Church?  

It is in those Traditional Latin Mass communities that continue to grow and proper with many large, faithful families who produce many vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life of brothers and sisters.  We adhere to the Mass of the ages that produced Saints and Martyrs over the last 2,000 years!  But the world doesn't see them (that's you and me)... It only sees the sometimes bizarre and scandalous, blasphemous novelty of clown masses or worse, sanctioned and approved, I might add, by those who claim to be "cardinals," "bishops" and "priests" of the novus ordo thing concocted by the Freemason, Bugnini, and promulgated by a very weak "pope" Paul VI.  

Sure, I'm complaining a lot right now, but I should be thankful for what I have, and I am, as compared to what is happening on the continent of Africa.  Please read the following article from cnsnews.com: Anti-Christian Violence Continues: Two Catholic Priests Murdered in Nigeria | CNSNews.

We should thank our lucky stars, or much more appropriate, God Almighty for the freedom to be able to worship Him without fear or intimidation -- or threats of death.

Having said that, after the defeat of Roe, churches and faithful are now constant targets of the lunatic Left baby killers gone mad!

Pray for strength and honor!  

And please pray for those murdered priests -- but also pray to them because they are sainted MARTYRS!   

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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