Saturday, June 18, 2022

"Permission" Granted To Pfizer And Moderna To Attack Children From SIX MONTHS To Five-Year-Olds With The Deadly "Vaccine"...

 The evil and wicked FDA under the evil and wicked Biden "administration" has granted "permission" to Pfizer and Moderna to inject the potentially debilitating and deadly "covid" "vaccine" into the arms of our tiny children to "protect" them from "covid"?

In reality, it does no such thing...

Just the opposite is true...

Frist, there is little need to protect these little people from some made-up, bioweapon "virus" who have little chance of not only getting it, but also have a 99.99 percent of recovery rate if they do.

Still, the drive is on to inject this filth into the arms of our children, I ask: for what purpose?

I am not so naive as that question may indicate, but I ask it to make a point: the stated goal of injecting the little ones -- and all Americans, and all the world's population -- is to control that population with fear and anxiety, brainwashing us into thinking that if we don't get the jab, we will all get sick and die...

Second, there is an even more sinister -- and publicly stated -- goal: to reduce the population of the world to under one billion, from about seven and-a-half billions!

What I have just wrote is not a conspiracy theory, but it is a conspiracy!  

Here are several videos to watch -- I hope it scares the hell out of you!

Watch! Caller Drops Massive TRUTH Bomb on FDA (

Dr. Exposes Shocking Pfizer Data From Childrens' COVID Vaccine Trial (

And this from Robert Kennedy's Children Health DefenseRobert F. Kennedy's Children's Health Defense Warns: "The FDA Is Declaring War On Our Children" - The Washington Standard.

Here are some excerpts...

"...Children’s Health Defense, they warned: “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is declaring war on our children and it’s on each of us to be unrelenting as we defend the next generation from Big Pharma and its allies.

"First, listen to those who have been lying to you all along not only about CONvid-1984 even existing and being isolated but about the safety and effectiveness of these deadly sorceries that have killed millions and injured millions more."

“We need to stop the FDA’s attack, beginning with a campaign to end unethical and unsubstantiated Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) that will subject younger and our most vulnerable children to the unnecessary risks of COVID shots,” they wrote in an email. “Please join Children’s Health Defense in telling the FDA to get their #HandsOffOurChildren and let regulatory authorities know that #ParentsAreWatching.”

End of excerpts...

Now it is true, there are many more testimonies and videos that I can post here, but most of the information is now in the public domain and is easily accessible by doing a simple search, mainly on alternative media, not the mainstream, Marxist lackeys that shill for the apostate "Catholic," Biden, and the haters of life...  

It seems that the killers of the pre-born aren't satisfied with the barbarism of destroying the developing baby in the womb of her "mother," now they want to slaughter the born as well!  In other words, infanticide!  To these killers, what difference does it make if the baby is fresh out of the womb and just a minute old, or six months to five years old?  The horrific answer: it doesn't...

We must defeat these blood-thirsty monsters in whatever way we legally can.  And we should be getting help from the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church, but that help is sadly lacking.  In fact, with the current cabal of ultra-liberal modernist/Marxists in control of the Vatican City-state, there is little hope that that help in defeating the anti-Christs will come anytime soon... 

Resist!  And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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