Sunday, June 19, 2022

SADS: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome...

 How many young people are dropping dead all over the U.S. -- and the world?

That's a good question, but what is clear, is that many are dying unexpectedly from...???

Medical examiner's report that some of their autopsies are being "deferred" for further investigation, meaning the exact cause has not been determined...

What has been determined is that when the cadavers are embalmed, weird and "mysterious" blood clots are being pulled out of veins... see here: MUST SEE: Mortician Finds Massive Hand-Sized Clots In Cadavers After Vax (

But I'll make a determination: their deaths are directly related to the filthy, deadly "covid" "vaccine" being forced-fed, so to speak, into the arms of gullible, dumbed-down young folks buying the lie that if you don't get the jab, you will get sick and die... 

Well, it looks like those who did get the jab died anyway, but not from "covid," but from the experimental filth injected into their bodies!

The number of younger folks dying are increasing dramatically!

What we're talking about are those in their teens, twenties and thirties; vibrant and young, as well as athletes with their whole lives ahead of them, are now dead, or so incapacitated as to make them zombielike, unable to live a normal life after being injected and boosted with the Pfizer (and other) "vaccines"...

Of course, the mainstream media are dumbfounded as to the cause of these youngsters dying and will never point the finger to the "vaccine" -- even though the reports from Pfizer's own studies have shown that those in test groups have suffered injury, deaths, miscarriages, etc.! 

So, why didn't the FDA stop the use of the "vaccines"?  

Follow the money trail...

I accuse the medical profession of being in cahoots with "big pharma"... Do I have proof?  Yes, simply look at the outrageous amount of monies collected when someone has tested "positive" with "covid" and admitted to a hospital, at that point, the money machine kicks in.  If that poor soul is put on a ventilator, it's like hitting the jackpot in Vegas!   Filthy lucre; it's the bottom line folks, not first do no harm!

This deadly scam has been going on for at least two years since the start of the bioweapon "pandemic"... 

Remember, this is all part of the culture of death and the diabolical agenda to reduce the population of the world to less than one billion!  Why do I always repeat this?  Because it has been stated by the likes of Gates and his demonic ilk, many are on record (video) stating just that!

Open your eyes and see the connection between the massive slaughter of the pre-born and the "covid" "vaccine" as two methods of fulfilling their satanic drive to kill us... 

Why do you think that the radical Left baby killers are threatening to kill the Supreme Court justices if they overturn Roe, not to mention the firebombing of crises pregnancy centers?  

Please watch and listen to the following video.  Get ready to shed some heavy tears...

EXPOSED: SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME! - Mass Casualties From Vaccine - A Eugenics AGENDA (

Everything is connected...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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