Friday, June 10, 2022

The Guardian of Tradition? What A Diabolical Joke!

  The irony of it all!

I copied the following after doing a simple search on the Net: Traditionis custodes (Guardians of the Tradition) is an apostolic letter issued motu proprio by Pope Francis, promulgated on 16 July 2021. It restricts the celebration of the Tridentine Mass of the Roman Rite, sometimes colloquially called the "Latin Mass" or the "Traditional Latin Mass".

(My emphasis.)

Catholics who know their faith, realize that the pope is to be the guardian of Tradition, not an innovator of same.  Yet, what have we seen since the installment of Bergoglio to the Chair of St. Peter, and what is left of the dying novus ordo religion?

Nothing but innovation and the daily attacks on that very same Tradition that he is supposed to protect with every fiber of his being.

Those attacks are focused mainly on the Mass of the ages, the Traditional Latin Mass, and if that wasn't bad enough, those faithful who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven...

And, as Bergoglio himself has stated numerous times, those young, growing, faithful Catholic families are too attached to the old rite; too rigid; cling to the authentic teachings of the Magisterium, instead of embracing the spirit of the age.  And the gang of vipers can't have that!

But why?

Because it is a threat to the demonic agenda of those modernists who serve the god of power, position, control, and hate those who oppose or throw even the tiniest of roadblocks to slow down the ultimate goal of the St. Gallen Mafia in making what is left of the (novus ordo) Church into their own image and likeness...

We also know that the liturgy is the focus of our faith, that is, the way we pray is ultimately the way we believe...

Is that why the TLM is being attacked and severely restricted in some dioceses especially where the bishop is not friendly toward the TLM, or, in fact, has totally banned the real Mass?

We see and hear horror stories about the weird abuses of the novus ordo liturgy almost on a daily basis, as opposed to the sublime liturgy of the TLM.  

I almost hate to post the following video, but the truth must be told, so I apologize in advance.  By the way, this thing was performed in the Archdiocese of Chicago under the direct control of "cardinal" Cupich (who has now been promoted to a Vatican post that can and will, I predict, do even more harm to the traditional liturgy in the very near future.)

This is from Dr. Stine's Return to Tradition channel...

(6028) Vigano Issues Dire Warning About Francis Diabolic Promotions Of Wicked Cardinals - YouTube.

Feel like regurgitating? 

Yep, "Guardian of Tradition"...

Pray to defeat these modernist monsters, and pray for strength and honor -- we'll need it!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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