Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Vile, Evil, Demonic Reaction To The Overturning Of Roe. And No, "Bishop" Barron, It's The Fewness Of The Saved, Not That There Is A Good Chance That Everyone Goes To Heaven!

 Have you seen the reaction of the Leftist anti-life mobs roaming the streets, attacking innocent pro-life folks, and destroying property in some of our major cities because of the overturning of Roe?

And before I go any further, I thought I would mention that Chief Justice John -- Catholic? -- Roberts voted with the die-hard liberals on the court not to overturn a nearly 50-year-old deadly decision that made the killing of the pre-born "legal" in the U.S. to the tune of 60+ MILLION slaughtered babies!  That's just one of Roberts' many turncoats, treasonous decisions he's made over the last few years, siding with the left wing, pro-death nuts on the bench.  

What's wrong with that guy?????

Isn't it interesting that the majority of those on the S.C. are Catholics, and yet isn't it even more interesting, or, should I say, disgusting, that anyone who claims to be Catholic votes for liberal causes and interprets laws from a purely secular viewpoint, negating, for all practical purposes, the Natural Law?  St. Paul tells us that such law is "built in" to every human that comes into the world, so there is no excuse or circumstance whatsoever, that a human, especially a Catholic, to vote contrary to that law: The Constitution does not override the Natural Law, it should enforce it, period!

On just about every news outlet or Internet website, there are numerous stories about the complete mental breakdown, lunacy and displays of hate and vile language directed at the S.C. justices and their homes -- which, by the way, is a violation of federal law!  But, it seems, the so-called Dept. of Justice is anything but; they are derelict in their duty to uphold the law, except, of course, when it comes to the law-abiding, then they'll crush any resistance or peaceful demonstration for redress of grievances, as citizens are guaranteed by the Constitution... 

But now, that hate is directed to anyone -- anyone! -- who doesn't agree with their worldview that the killing of our pre-born babies is a "sacred right"!   Hence, people, places and things are systematically being attacked by these insurrectionist mobs, with Catholic churches, crisis pregnancy centers and other pro-life institutions the main target...

Where is the DOJ?  Where is the FBI?  Where is the call to quell these insurrectionists and restore law and order???  Yet we still have Americans locked-up and rotting away in the Gulags of the D.C jails, many in solitary confinement.  Their right of habeas corpus has been denied; their ability to defend themselves has been denied; legal counsel in some cases has been denied, and the unconstitutional list goes on and on...  

In conclusion... We are seeing evil unleashed -- again -- because the "sacrament" of the hard Left, abortion, has now been -- finally! -- determined that there is no right to kill the pre-born found anywhere in the Constitution under some specious "right to privacy"...  

 A final note to "Bishop" Barron: it is the fewness of the saved -- they are called the Elect, the Remnant -- not that everyone has a good chance to get to Heaven.  That silliness is scandalous and directly contradicts Scripture and Tradition, not to mention and admonishments of what the Church actually teaches, not some ambiguous post-Vatican II, modernist nonsense enshrined in the novus ordo religion... 

The horrific actions of these mobs of baby-killers and insurrectionists should be enough to convince you that hell is filled with those guilty of intentional murder, you know, the Fifth Commandment: thou shalt not kill!  

Wake up and smell the truth, "Bishop" Barron!

God have mercy on our country!

Pray for Strength and honor -- and be prepared for possible attacks coming to a church near you!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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