Monday, June 13, 2022

Is It Time For Prayer And Fasting To Expel The Demons From Our Country -- And Our Lives???

  To those good, God-fearing folks, I apologize for thinking that you don't pray and fast enough...

I know that I should do much more praying and fasting; I fail miserably at both, I'm afraid...

But we all must do more to expel the demons from our country -- and our lives as well.

The following article was posted on, and written by the "Bionic Mosquito"... It is short and to the point.  Please give it a read...

 Prayer and Fasting - LewRockwell

Also, check out The Best of Bionic Mosquito.

(Note: there are several passages from Sacred Scripture that hits the nail on the head regarding the need to pray and fast in order to cast out demons (as Our Lord, Himself explains...)

What we are experiencing in our country and, indeed around the world, is an outright attempt to stomp out and destroy our God-given rights as human beings made in the image and likeness of our Creator God-Man, Jesus.  

What is the goal of such demonic actions on the part of fallen mankind?  To make -- or remake -- mankind into some twisted version of Frankenstein-mating-humans with machines or advanced technology (and AI?), also known as "transhumanism"... If that isn't diabolical, I don't know what is... 

One of our jobs as Christians is to protect human life from the moment of conception to natural death, but we have seen the various satanic movements over the globe from those whose agenda is not only obvious but is now in our faces.  They don't even try to hide behind smokescreens to fool and deceive, but openly propose their hideous plans to depopulate the earth, euthanize the elderly, contracept, and abort our tiny brethren for their own "convenience"...

But that's not all...

The other gross sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, the sin of Sodom, has not only gotten a foothold in our nation (and many nations around the world), but is now recognized as a "right" and is encoded in law, that is, according to our "supreme court" and other world courts... Little do these modernist, faithless monsters know that one day they too will answer to the real Supreme Court with Christ as their Judge, Jury and Executioner -- to those who do not repent before they leave this earth...

One of the main reasons why these vultures have been so successful is the abject weakness of what passes for the Catholic Church -- the novus ordo church, that is, and the very words and actions of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, the Argentinian Jesuit, Bergoglio, crippling the moral and spiritual beacon of the Church, and making it just one of many avenues to attain the beatific vision, at least in his mind...

And Heaven forbid that you or I attempt to convert non-Catholics to the one, true, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  In fact, Bergoglio actually stated that it is a sin to proselytize!  You can't make this stuff up!  Truth, it seems, is stranger than fiction... 

Pray for "Pope" Francis and his conversion to the authentic Catholic faith... And pray too for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fe. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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