Thursday, June 16, 2022

Demons Control The Reigns Of Government In The State Of Michigan: Michigan Attorney General -- A Lesbian -- Calls For Drag Queens In Public Schools!

  No, this is not a "joke," as the Detroit News reported.  Sorry, you poor excuse for a "newspaper," Dana Nessel did call for the filthy drag queens to pollute the minds and souls of impressionable children...

Just to be clear, I have corroborated this story with at least four sources, so I am confident that this miscreant, so-called attorney general for the state of Michigan, meant what she said.  And why would anyone be surprised?  She is, after all, the first active lesbian to fulfill that post in Michigan...

I might add that the governor of Michigan is that demonic lunatic, Gretchen Wittmer, the pro-baby killing maniac that held the citizens of Michigan hostage during the so-called "covid pandemic," maintaining brutal lockdowns and destroying hundreds of small mom and pop businesses in her relentless goal of complete, tyrannical control of a once-free people.  Those heinous actions do not even take into account the mental and physical debilitation of numerous young adults, leading some to take their own lives, or suffer mental breakdowns.  So, it is not surprising that Wittmer would employ another demon to the important and influential position of attorney general tasked with enforcing the laws of the state for the commonweal of its citizens. 

Unbelievable!  Unbelievable, that is, if you are a God-fearing believer in the moral and Natural Law, but not so unbelievable if one looks at what and who is in charge of our government (the Biden cabal composed of many apostate "Catholics") as well as what passes for the Catholic Church -- the novus ordo "Catholic Church," headed by an evil and wicked Argentinian Jesuit, Bergoglio...  As the "church goes," so goes society...

Why do I always mention and point my finger at the novus ordo "church"?   Because that is what the world sees as the Catholic Church, not the true, faithful traditional faith and Mass of the ages...The novus ordo has become a weakened, empty shell of what used to be the moral and spiritual beacon as well as the conscience of the world's population, but no longer.   That important beacon, for all practical purposes, has been extinguished, or nearly so...

Both entities are heavily infiltrated and influenced by Marxism -- and modernism -- the synthesis of all heresies (Pope SAINT Pius X).

Here are some of the links to the story... 

Michigan AG Suggests ‘Drag Queen for Every School’: ‘Drag Queens Make Everything Better’ (

Michigan AG says 'drag queens make everything better,' suggests 'drag queen for every school': report | Fox News.

Nessel jokes 'a drag queen for every school' in speech against 'fake issues' (

Pray for strength and honor to defeat these diabolical miscreants!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Meguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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