Tuesday, June 7, 2022

List Of 45 Different Murders And Pharma Drugs They Were On...

 Here's the story... List of 45 Different Murders and Pharma Drugs They Were On - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com.

Here are a couple of excerpts...

"February 13, 2013. One month ago, and only three weeks after the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook, two well-known 2nd Amendment activists were found mysteriously murdered on two different rural roads on two different sides of the country. One of them, firearms manufacturer John Noveske, had posted one final warning on his Facebook page. It was a list of all the recent mass shootings, the kids responsible and the Big Pharma drugs they were taking. Within days, he was dead."

"But Noveske, one of the country’s foremost gun experts, had quickly become an expert in something else – Big Pharma drugs and their connection to mass shootings. While America’s corporate-owned news outlets invested hundreds of millions of dollars in broadcast air time to ceaselessly blame firearms for the skyrocketing number of mass killings, Noveske and millions of others noticed something else, something the media outlets funded by Big Pharma refuse to disclose for fear of upsetting their largest advertisers – all the people who carried out the bloody massacres were under the influence of pharmaceutical drugs."

"Noveske took the results of his research to Facebook. There, he posted a detailed list of 45 of the most recent mass murders carried out by teenagers, young adults and even some small children. He also documented the exact pharmaceutical drugs each killer was taking at the time. As fate would have it, that would be the last Facebook post John Noveske would ever make. One week later on January 4, 2013, his lifeless body was found on the side of a rural Oregon road."

End of excerpts...

My comment...

The rabid attack by the anti-American Marxists controlling our country continues at breakneck speed, especially after innocent people -- whether children or adults -- are shot up and killed...

The unscrupulous, cold-hearted Demonrats never let a deadly catastrophe go to waste.  They have turned the latest shooting and death of kids and teachers in Texas into another cause celeb to cancel our own ability to defend ourselves.  But they never -- never! -- discuss the possibility that the shooters are on some type of drug, whether prescribed or illicit...

The imbedded article I have posted proves that they were.  And this documented article is from 2013!  Can  you imagine how the use of drugs has increased since then, influencing more and more skulls full of mush to be used as "Manchurian Candidates" -- is this the continuing demonic program known as MK-ULTRA

Further, you must come to the conclusion that our society is on the road to receive the justifiable wrath of God Almighty for our moral and spiritual sloth and the outright rejection of the Natural, Moral Law that is built into every human being that comes into the world (St. Paul).  

The current cabal holding the Oval Office hostage, is not concerned about the use of mind-control drugs developed by Big Pharma (and the CIA), rather, they attack the weapon -- and the law-abiding, instead of attempting to get at the root cause of the mayhem...

But why would anyone be surprised at the hypocrisy?  

The very same Leftists that want to confiscate our weapons and kill the Second Amendment, are the same monsters that are the radical supporters of the killing of the pre-born!  These liars -- and real killers -- are possessed by the father of lies, Satan and his minions... 

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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