Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The Sad, Incoherent, Sex-Addicted Pervert, Communist, Apostate "Catholic" "President," Biden, Continues To Creepily Grope Little Girls -- And Gets A Free Pass From The Marxist Media...

  Really, I don't think that anyone needs any further evidence of the sick, spiritually dead mind and soul of what is passing for a president currently occupying the Oval Office.

I am posting this latest video of the demented, apostate "Catholic," Biden, as he and his handlers walk along a beach in Delaware... Notice how he sees and encourages two little -- bikini-clad girls -- to come over to him so he can lay his filthy, groping hands on them.

(The video is about 10 minutes in duration, but the first four minutes will show the creepy, groping Biden doing his dirty thing.)

By the way, what the hell is wrong with the parents of these little girls in allowing them to wear bikinis that leave little to the imagination; they are nearly completely unclothed?!  In addition, can those parents be so ignorant of the history of the pervert, apostate "Catholic," Biden's sexual degeneracy -- including that with his own daughter?   I also wonder if those parents had their precious children injected with the filthy, deadly "covid" "vaccine"?  I bet they did...

Joe Biden Can’t Help But Grope Little Girls While On Beach Vacation (

Can the U.S. survive another two-plus years with this lunatic holding America hostage, happily turning it into another Marxist, banana republic, third-world hell-hole?  

The Demonrat party is playing us for fools, and we are letting them get away with it because we have so-called Republicans who are afraid of their own shadows -- they're called RINOs.  I call them traitors!

God, please have mercy on our country!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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