Thursday, June 23, 2022

The American People Are Being BETRAYED! By Republican Politicians Supporting The Feeble-Minded, Apostate, Fraudulently "Elected" Biden...

  Remember the movie: The Dirty Dozen?

The gist of the story concerned a dozen raunchy, criminal GIs in jail or prison for various acts violating the military's bible: the Uniform Code of Military Justice, known by the acronym, UCMJ.  Their crimes, in many cases, were not trivial; that's putting it mildly...

(Personally, I am very familiar with the UCMJ, as I served in two branches of the military for over seven-and-a-half years of active duty, plus another two to four years of inactive duty reserves.)

The "dirty dozen" were given a chance to "redeem" themselves and shorten or completely abolish their sentences regardless of their crimes!  That is, if they survived the planned covert operation they were being selected for...

If I remember correctly, only a couple survived the ordeal, the rest "died for their country" and became uncredited heroes...

Well, in today's political world, we have not a "dirty dozen," but a very treasonous, "dirty fourteen"!

I'm talking about fourteen U.S. senators that are RINOs -- Republicans in name only.  But it goes far beyond that: they are traitors to their country and the American people!  I can say that with all honesty and confidence, as I have seen the actions of these miscreants almost on a daily basis when critical anti-American votes come up in the senate, especially concerning bills put forth by the enemy Demonrats, with public enemy number one at the helm of the ship of state, Biden.

Please watch the following video by Fox's Tucker Carlson and see for yourself just what and who we are dealing with: pure treason! 

 "This Level of Disconnection From Voters Is Dangerous" - MUST SEE: Tucker Carlson Destroys Dirtbag Repubican Lawmakers for Pushing Joe Biden's Radical Agenda -- (

By the way, here are the "Dirty Fourteen" senators... 

Roy Blunt
Richard Burr
Shelly Moore-Capito
Bill Cassidy
Susan Collins
John Cornyn
Joni Ernst
Lindsey Graham
Mitch McConnell
Lisa Murkowski
Rob Portman
Mitt Romney
Thom Tillis
Todd Young

Sadly, Blunt is from Missouri, my newly adopted state.. If I'm not mistaken, he's is not running for reelection, thank goodness!

Note too, that most of these senators are from very "conservative" states!  Go figure...

Pray for the defeat of these traitors and pray for strength and honor -- we will need it in the coming days, I promise you.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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