The monstrosity of death by abortion bill in Virginia has been defeated in committee by a vote of 5 to 3! That means that five Republicans voted to "kill" the death bill, and three Demonrats voted FOR IT!
The bill was tabled, so it was not completely done away with, as the little babies are done away with in the most heinous of ways!
What this means is that this monster of a bill may just return at a later date, and perhaps sooner rather than later..
God help us!
Gene DeLalla
Thursday, January 31, 2019
I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag...
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All...
This short recitation is packed with meanings...
From the early 1950's, to the present day, the Pledge still has great significance for me personally, and, I hope, for all that read this short article.
First, are we a perfect nation? The answer is an obvious one: no. And the main reason is that many of us have turned our collective backs on the One named in the Pledge: God almighty.
We have also failed Him in other ways, mostly by other laws that violate His Natural Law: ingrained in us as humans.
Unfortunately, we have elected representatives that seem to have forgotten history, and, in so doing, will repeat the mistakes of the past, especially concerning the abuse of power of their office. Perhaps they have forgotten that they work for us, not we for them?
Our very first president, George Washington (by the way, there is strong evidence that he converted to the Catholic Faith just before he died), warned about our then nascent country getting involved in overseas entanglements, and favoring one foreign nation over another.
He was trying to steer us away from wars and rumors of wars, and instead wanted us -- as a nation -- to concentrate on our own freedoms, liberties, but most importantly, our dependence on God. Currently, we are involved in far too many of those foreign entanglements that President Washington warned us about. He was very prophetic in that sense, wasn't he?
Indeed, many of the Founding Fathers were deists, and some were Masons, yet they recognized the Natural Law and the Author of that law...
The following quote is attributed to Thomas Jefferson:
“God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever.” (excerpts are inscribed on the walls of the Jefferson Memorial in the nations capital) [Source: Merrill . D. Peterson, ed., Jefferson Writings, (New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., 1984), Vol. IV, p. 289. From Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVIII, 1781.]
In many respects, we deserve what we get, and that includes the wrath of that very same God for the injustices we have perpetrated on His most precious gift to us: the gift of new life, as co-creators with Him. As you can see, Jefferson said it much better than I...
Second, but we are also a generous and charitable nation. We still feed a good portion of the world; we provide disaster relief to suffering peoples in many parts of the third-world. In addition, the Statue of Liberty (a gift from France) welcomes those immigrants from shores of countries unable or unwilling to help their own people seeking some measure of freedom and liberty here, in the U.S. of A.
If we love our country, we must Pledge to do what we can to return to the God that made us; to the God that allows us to live in a Republic where we can worship God and serve Him in this life, and be happy with Him in the next, and treating our neighbors with Justice.
Pray for our country...
This short recitation is packed with meanings...
From the early 1950's, to the present day, the Pledge still has great significance for me personally, and, I hope, for all that read this short article.
First, are we a perfect nation? The answer is an obvious one: no. And the main reason is that many of us have turned our collective backs on the One named in the Pledge: God almighty.
We have also failed Him in other ways, mostly by other laws that violate His Natural Law: ingrained in us as humans.
Unfortunately, we have elected representatives that seem to have forgotten history, and, in so doing, will repeat the mistakes of the past, especially concerning the abuse of power of their office. Perhaps they have forgotten that they work for us, not we for them?
Our very first president, George Washington (by the way, there is strong evidence that he converted to the Catholic Faith just before he died), warned about our then nascent country getting involved in overseas entanglements, and favoring one foreign nation over another.
He was trying to steer us away from wars and rumors of wars, and instead wanted us -- as a nation -- to concentrate on our own freedoms, liberties, but most importantly, our dependence on God. Currently, we are involved in far too many of those foreign entanglements that President Washington warned us about. He was very prophetic in that sense, wasn't he?
Indeed, many of the Founding Fathers were deists, and some were Masons, yet they recognized the Natural Law and the Author of that law...
The following quote is attributed to Thomas Jefferson:
“God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever.” (excerpts are inscribed on the walls of the Jefferson Memorial in the nations capital) [Source: Merrill . D. Peterson, ed., Jefferson Writings, (New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., 1984), Vol. IV, p. 289. From Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVIII, 1781.]
In many respects, we deserve what we get, and that includes the wrath of that very same God for the injustices we have perpetrated on His most precious gift to us: the gift of new life, as co-creators with Him. As you can see, Jefferson said it much better than I...
Second, but we are also a generous and charitable nation. We still feed a good portion of the world; we provide disaster relief to suffering peoples in many parts of the third-world. In addition, the Statue of Liberty (a gift from France) welcomes those immigrants from shores of countries unable or unwilling to help their own people seeking some measure of freedom and liberty here, in the U.S. of A.
If we love our country, we must Pledge to do what we can to return to the God that made us; to the God that allows us to live in a Republic where we can worship God and serve Him in this life, and be happy with Him in the next, and treating our neighbors with Justice.
Pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
The Bloodbath Continues -- Now in Virginia!
From Breitbart...
Virginia Democrat [DEMONRAT] Delegate Kathy Tran proposed a measure last week that would not only allow abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy in the state, but would also permit a woman to decide whether she wants to “abort” her baby as she is dilating and about to give birth.
My Comment:
I just wrote about the "Domino Effect" -- The States Are Lining Up For The Kill...
Well, here's another one jeopardizing the lives of defenseless pre-born babies as they are about to come into the world and breath air. The sacrificial nature of the killing of the preborn is becoming more and more obvious. Satan delights when God's gift of life is snuffed out in the most heinous of ways. The ancient Aztecs would think that their human sacrifice survived to this day, only now the killers wear three-piece suits or skirts, but the results are the same: torture and death for the little baby girl or boy.
Continuing from Breitbart...
According to the Virginia Gazette, Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam, Attorney General Mark Herring, and a number of Democrats in the General Assembly are backing the legislation – which equates ending the life of an unborn baby with providing women health care.
Here's a naïve question: why are the political elite using their enormous influence and power against the pre-born? I can only assume that they are devil worshipers; they know better, but are intellectually possessed by the demon. I dread what legislation these miscreants will propose in the future; maybe allowing the killing of a baby a couple of weeks old? Or, how about at six months; the "mother" just can't handle changing all those nasty diapers. Or, what about the elderly? Are they becoming too much of a "burden"; the family just can't take it any more. So, if they can't kill them in Virginia, maybe they'll take them to Oregon and "assist" in their suicide?
The Pandora's Box was opened back in 1930 when the Church of England folks said that contraception was no longer a sin.
Here in the U.S. of A., if the clergy amassed on Pennsylvania Avenue after the disastrous 1973 Roe v Wade decision, and demanded to be arrested, then go on a hunger strike, I'm convinced that by 1974, there would be no Roe v Wade...
I don't think we'll have to wait very long before another state proposes such monstrous legislation...
Pray for our country...
Virginia Democrat [DEMONRAT] Delegate Kathy Tran proposed a measure last week that would not only allow abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy in the state, but would also permit a woman to decide whether she wants to “abort” her baby as she is dilating and about to give birth.
My Comment:
I just wrote about the "Domino Effect" -- The States Are Lining Up For The Kill...
Well, here's another one jeopardizing the lives of defenseless pre-born babies as they are about to come into the world and breath air. The sacrificial nature of the killing of the preborn is becoming more and more obvious. Satan delights when God's gift of life is snuffed out in the most heinous of ways. The ancient Aztecs would think that their human sacrifice survived to this day, only now the killers wear three-piece suits or skirts, but the results are the same: torture and death for the little baby girl or boy.
Continuing from Breitbart...
According to the Virginia Gazette, Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam, Attorney General Mark Herring, and a number of Democrats in the General Assembly are backing the legislation – which equates ending the life of an unborn baby with providing women health care.
“I’m going all the way to the Supreme Court if I have to in order to protect Virginians’ health care,” Herring said.
My Comment:Here's a naïve question: why are the political elite using their enormous influence and power against the pre-born? I can only assume that they are devil worshipers; they know better, but are intellectually possessed by the demon. I dread what legislation these miscreants will propose in the future; maybe allowing the killing of a baby a couple of weeks old? Or, how about at six months; the "mother" just can't handle changing all those nasty diapers. Or, what about the elderly? Are they becoming too much of a "burden"; the family just can't take it any more. So, if they can't kill them in Virginia, maybe they'll take them to Oregon and "assist" in their suicide?
The Pandora's Box was opened back in 1930 when the Church of England folks said that contraception was no longer a sin.
Here in the U.S. of A., if the clergy amassed on Pennsylvania Avenue after the disastrous 1973 Roe v Wade decision, and demanded to be arrested, then go on a hunger strike, I'm convinced that by 1974, there would be no Roe v Wade...
I don't think we'll have to wait very long before another state proposes such monstrous legislation...
Pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
The "Domino Effect" -- States Are Lining Up For The Kill...
A report from, indicates that now Rhode Island -- the most "Catholic" state in the country, led by a female "Catholic" Governor Gina Raimondo, will follow the sadistic lead of New York State and Vermont, in introducing legislation that will guarantee a woman's "right" to kill the baby developing in her womb, all the way up to birth! No questions asked!
This will be the second New England state to enact this hideous attack on the most innocent of our species, the pre-born.
Will liberal Connecticut follow? How about my neighbor to the south: Massachusetts? Will Maine follow? I wouldn't be surprised if my state of New Hampshire will succumb to evil forces infiltrating the minds and hearts of malice-filled individuals hell-bent on destroying the greatest gift we can have in this life: baby girls and boys.
What are faithful Catholics to do??
I will wait and see if the bishop(s) of Rhode Island makes his disgust known, and points out that anyone that supports or procures an abortion is automatically ex-communicated from the good graces of the Church, and that includes anyone that belongs to the organization known as Murder, Inc., (aka: planned parenthood).
Yes, Cardinal Dolan, ex-communication IS appropriate for these monsters masquerading as Catholics.
Do not fall into the trap that there are two Catholic Churches, however, there is not. But there are two distinct categories of the human element within the Church: one, adheres to the Magisterium and Tradition, and the second, are the modernists who put power, money and position above the teachings of Christ, the Divine Founder of the Church on earth.
It is the second category that has caused the weakness in the Church over the last 50-60 years, with the lavender mafia practically taking control of the most powerful positions of Church offices as well as the new-order seminaries where traditional-minded men are eliminated as candidates in favor of the more effeminate.
Add to this, the reluctance to use the power of the office of bishop or cardinal to ex-communicate these apostate "Catholics," all the while persecuting the remnant of the faithful..
President Truman said many years ago: the buck stops here (meaning he is responsible for the actions of those under him).
Those at the top, will be held accountable for their subordinates, whether it is the homosexual abuse of their charges, or not standing up for the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church in condemning the actions of rogue "Catholic" politicians who fear nothing from a hierarchy afraid of their own shadow.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us...
This will be the second New England state to enact this hideous attack on the most innocent of our species, the pre-born.
Will liberal Connecticut follow? How about my neighbor to the south: Massachusetts? Will Maine follow? I wouldn't be surprised if my state of New Hampshire will succumb to evil forces infiltrating the minds and hearts of malice-filled individuals hell-bent on destroying the greatest gift we can have in this life: baby girls and boys.
What are faithful Catholics to do??
I will wait and see if the bishop(s) of Rhode Island makes his disgust known, and points out that anyone that supports or procures an abortion is automatically ex-communicated from the good graces of the Church, and that includes anyone that belongs to the organization known as Murder, Inc., (aka: planned parenthood).
Yes, Cardinal Dolan, ex-communication IS appropriate for these monsters masquerading as Catholics.
Do not fall into the trap that there are two Catholic Churches, however, there is not. But there are two distinct categories of the human element within the Church: one, adheres to the Magisterium and Tradition, and the second, are the modernists who put power, money and position above the teachings of Christ, the Divine Founder of the Church on earth.
It is the second category that has caused the weakness in the Church over the last 50-60 years, with the lavender mafia practically taking control of the most powerful positions of Church offices as well as the new-order seminaries where traditional-minded men are eliminated as candidates in favor of the more effeminate.
Add to this, the reluctance to use the power of the office of bishop or cardinal to ex-communicate these apostate "Catholics," all the while persecuting the remnant of the faithful..
President Truman said many years ago: the buck stops here (meaning he is responsible for the actions of those under him).
Those at the top, will be held accountable for their subordinates, whether it is the homosexual abuse of their charges, or not standing up for the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church in condemning the actions of rogue "Catholic" politicians who fear nothing from a hierarchy afraid of their own shadow.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us...
Gene DeLalla
Question: why are progressives (liberals) so dense (stupid)?
This question is one that has plagued philosophers and sages for millennia.
The answer, I contend, is really quite simple: Pride.
They have rejected God, and His Natural Law, thereby rejecting common sense.
You will quickly see that pride and the lack of common sense go hand-in-hand. Here is a prime example...
Just the other day, the Baltimore School Board voted -- unanimously -- not to have police officers armed in their schools during daylight hours!
Think about that for a second, please!
I repeat: the Baltimore School Board voted to have UN-armed police officers in their schools! The police officers are their to protect and defend the students and others, from attacks from lunatics with weapons, but they -- the police -- cannot have weapons to deter or neutralize the bad guys???
Also keep in mind, that the city of Baltimore is anti-Second Amendment in a big way. Baltimore also has the dubious reputation of being crime-ridden, very similar to Chicago.
Another question: why is it that the mayors of the cities of Chicago and Baltimore, both war zones, as well as other crime ridden cities always happen to be Democrats?
In the case of Baltimore, the mayor is a female: Catherine Pugh.
One more question: why is it that 99.99 percent of these Demonrats are radical endorsers of the slaughter of the pre-born? Are you beginning to see the connection here?
Pride rejects God; serves Satan.
When people are killed, whether through abortion or in the schools -- because the police can't carry their weapons -- the devil smiles...
And that's why progressives (liberals) are so dense (stupid).
Pray for our country.
The answer, I contend, is really quite simple: Pride.
They have rejected God, and His Natural Law, thereby rejecting common sense.
You will quickly see that pride and the lack of common sense go hand-in-hand. Here is a prime example...
Just the other day, the Baltimore School Board voted -- unanimously -- not to have police officers armed in their schools during daylight hours!
Think about that for a second, please!
I repeat: the Baltimore School Board voted to have UN-armed police officers in their schools! The police officers are their to protect and defend the students and others, from attacks from lunatics with weapons, but they -- the police -- cannot have weapons to deter or neutralize the bad guys???
Also keep in mind, that the city of Baltimore is anti-Second Amendment in a big way. Baltimore also has the dubious reputation of being crime-ridden, very similar to Chicago.
Another question: why is it that the mayors of the cities of Chicago and Baltimore, both war zones, as well as other crime ridden cities always happen to be Democrats?
In the case of Baltimore, the mayor is a female: Catherine Pugh.
One more question: why is it that 99.99 percent of these Demonrats are radical endorsers of the slaughter of the pre-born? Are you beginning to see the connection here?
Pride rejects God; serves Satan.
When people are killed, whether through abortion or in the schools -- because the police can't carry their weapons -- the devil smiles...
And that's why progressives (liberals) are so dense (stupid).
Pray for our country.
Gene DeLalla
Monday, January 28, 2019
Vermont, the "Green Mountain State", will soon become the Dripping Blood-Red State...
Vermont is following the horrendous actions of its western neighbor, New York, in writing into its constitution, the "right" of a female to kill her developing little girl or boy in her womb, without restriction, all the way up to birth!
The Governor of Vermont, Phil Scott, is a Republican. (I label such traitors: Republicrats.) Will he sign into law -- into the constitution of Vermont -- this diabolical attack on the pre-born as Andrew Cuomo, the sadistic "Catholic" recently signed his soul away by enshrining into the New York State constitution, that same "right"?
I truly hope not, but we will have to wait and see.
Even if the bill passes both houses of the Vermont legislature, it will not go into effect until 2023. Nonetheless, this travesty of justice is only the beginning, as more and more states "worry" that Roe v Wade will be overturned in the not too distant future -- it can't happen soon enough for me! -- and are considering doing the same as New York, and now Vermont.
So now, Vermont, known as the Green Mountain State, might soon become the Dripping Blood-Red State with the dubious distinction of killing of the pre-born all the way up to birth.
Please think about that and what that means!
The question then becomes, if a child can be killed just before birth, what is the difference if a "mother" decides she can't handle the new life entrusted to her, and "terminates" the little baby AFTER she or he is born??
Will she be guilty of murder? Or, if in New York, and soon Vermont, will it be considered just another form of euthanasia? No big deal, right?
How long, Lord, how long??
Pray for our country..
The Governor of Vermont, Phil Scott, is a Republican. (I label such traitors: Republicrats.) Will he sign into law -- into the constitution of Vermont -- this diabolical attack on the pre-born as Andrew Cuomo, the sadistic "Catholic" recently signed his soul away by enshrining into the New York State constitution, that same "right"?
I truly hope not, but we will have to wait and see.
Even if the bill passes both houses of the Vermont legislature, it will not go into effect until 2023. Nonetheless, this travesty of justice is only the beginning, as more and more states "worry" that Roe v Wade will be overturned in the not too distant future -- it can't happen soon enough for me! -- and are considering doing the same as New York, and now Vermont.
So now, Vermont, known as the Green Mountain State, might soon become the Dripping Blood-Red State with the dubious distinction of killing of the pre-born all the way up to birth.
Please think about that and what that means!
The question then becomes, if a child can be killed just before birth, what is the difference if a "mother" decides she can't handle the new life entrusted to her, and "terminates" the little baby AFTER she or he is born??
Will she be guilty of murder? Or, if in New York, and soon Vermont, will it be considered just another form of euthanasia? No big deal, right?
How long, Lord, how long??
Pray for our country..
Gene DeLalla
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Absolute power corrupts absolutely..
The title of my article bears repeating: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.
This is getting really scary...
The other day, Mr. Roger Stone's home was violated by an FBI swat team, attired in full military gear, with guns drawn, banging on his door in the dark of night, as if he was a terrorist intent on destroying America. In reality, the FBI -- and their hacks in the media -- and other deep-state agencies, are the ones in full attack on our freedoms and liberties, guaranteed, not by government, but by those rights and freedoms granted to us by God almighty and enshrined in the Natural Law.
If you or I attempt to exercise our rights and freedoms, and, in so doing, challenge their hideous agenda to control and transform our beloved country into something unrecognizable; something out of a socialist nightmare, beware, because the deep-state will do whatever they have to do to stop you and I. And I wouldn't be surprised that, eventually, "they" will stop or sensor my writings on social media; this is not a joke, but a possible reality.
The Founding Fathers knew that the threats of an out-of-control central, federal government to take out the rights of its citizens, and control every aspect of their lives, wrote into the Constitution the Right to Bear Arms in the Second Amendment just for that very purpose to act as a counterweight to its tyranny.
They knew from experience; they knew history, and were determined not to have it repeat itself in the founding of a new nation: America.
As horrendous as this current situation is, and it is getting worse, these enemies of freedom and the exercise of our natural rights, are not invincible. They can be defeated, not by our own efforts alone, but with the help of God, especially His treasured Son, our Savior.
One of the reasons that all this is occurring is, in my opinion, the discarding of the precious gift given to us by God to be His co-creators in bringing new life into the world, and the infusion of an immortal soul destined to spend eternity with his/her Creator after knowing, loving, and serving Him in this life...
But how can this be?
The reason is almost too easy: the weakness of the human element of the Catholic Church in the form of compromising the knowledge and requirement of all mankind to come into the one ark of salvation as founded on the Rock of St. Peter by Christ Himself.
All things are connected, and if our souls are darkened by culpable ignorance, or outright rebellion, we will pay the price, and we can see it happening all around us, not only in the U.S., but also in other nations in Europe and South America.
Many, I'm afraid, have sold their souls for money, power and position regardless of the knowledge that, eventually, they will have to pay the devil his due.
This is a repeat of the David and Goliath confrontation, and we know who won that!
Please pray for our country.
This is getting really scary...
The other day, Mr. Roger Stone's home was violated by an FBI swat team, attired in full military gear, with guns drawn, banging on his door in the dark of night, as if he was a terrorist intent on destroying America. In reality, the FBI -- and their hacks in the media -- and other deep-state agencies, are the ones in full attack on our freedoms and liberties, guaranteed, not by government, but by those rights and freedoms granted to us by God almighty and enshrined in the Natural Law.
If you or I attempt to exercise our rights and freedoms, and, in so doing, challenge their hideous agenda to control and transform our beloved country into something unrecognizable; something out of a socialist nightmare, beware, because the deep-state will do whatever they have to do to stop you and I. And I wouldn't be surprised that, eventually, "they" will stop or sensor my writings on social media; this is not a joke, but a possible reality.
The Founding Fathers knew that the threats of an out-of-control central, federal government to take out the rights of its citizens, and control every aspect of their lives, wrote into the Constitution the Right to Bear Arms in the Second Amendment just for that very purpose to act as a counterweight to its tyranny.
They knew from experience; they knew history, and were determined not to have it repeat itself in the founding of a new nation: America.
As horrendous as this current situation is, and it is getting worse, these enemies of freedom and the exercise of our natural rights, are not invincible. They can be defeated, not by our own efforts alone, but with the help of God, especially His treasured Son, our Savior.
One of the reasons that all this is occurring is, in my opinion, the discarding of the precious gift given to us by God to be His co-creators in bringing new life into the world, and the infusion of an immortal soul destined to spend eternity with his/her Creator after knowing, loving, and serving Him in this life...
But how can this be?
The reason is almost too easy: the weakness of the human element of the Catholic Church in the form of compromising the knowledge and requirement of all mankind to come into the one ark of salvation as founded on the Rock of St. Peter by Christ Himself.
All things are connected, and if our souls are darkened by culpable ignorance, or outright rebellion, we will pay the price, and we can see it happening all around us, not only in the U.S., but also in other nations in Europe and South America.
Many, I'm afraid, have sold their souls for money, power and position regardless of the knowledge that, eventually, they will have to pay the devil his due.
This is a repeat of the David and Goliath confrontation, and we know who won that!
Please pray for our country.
Gene DeLalla
Friday, January 25, 2019
At 6am this morning, the heavy-handed, deep-state and their cronies, the FBI, made a pre-dawn raid at the home of Mr. Roger Stone, confidant of President Trump. They did so with guns drawn!
Mr. Stone was arrested and now sits in a jail in Florida.
If you think that this cannot happen to you personally, think again.
If you fight the deep-state; if you criticize the multi-tentacled, behemoth government, or attempt to exercise your God-given rights, guaranteed, not by government, but by the Natural Law, you just might end up behind bars yourself.
Keep in mind, that CNN -- those lunatics -- were tipped-off, and were waiting with cameras rolling to capture this total disgrace.
This is a warning to all freedom-loving peoples in this country: make sure you have sufficient supplies to exercise your right to self-defense, in other words, to exercise the Second Amendment in the face of all threats to your freedoms and my freedoms...
Pray for our country more now than ever...
Mr. Stone was arrested and now sits in a jail in Florida.
If you think that this cannot happen to you personally, think again.
If you fight the deep-state; if you criticize the multi-tentacled, behemoth government, or attempt to exercise your God-given rights, guaranteed, not by government, but by the Natural Law, you just might end up behind bars yourself.
Keep in mind, that CNN -- those lunatics -- were tipped-off, and were waiting with cameras rolling to capture this total disgrace.
This is a warning to all freedom-loving peoples in this country: make sure you have sufficient supplies to exercise your right to self-defense, in other words, to exercise the Second Amendment in the face of all threats to your freedoms and my freedoms...
Pray for our country more now than ever...
Gene DeLalla
Iowa's Heartbeat Law Killed by Judge...
The following information is taken from articles by ABC news; the Catholic News Agency, and other sources...
The Heartbeat Bill was signed into law by Gov. Kim Reynolds.
She said: “I am incredibly disappointed in today’s court ruling, because I believe that if death is determined when a heart stops beating, then a beating heart indicates life,” Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said in a statement.
My Comment: Doesn't that make sense? Common sense? But we know that science has now determined that life does, indeed, begin at CONCEPTION. Something that is rarely talked about by the mainstream media... No surprise there!
Additionally, why doesn't the Governor tell this "judge" that "I am the chief law enforcement officer of the state of Iowa; I have at my disposal the state police and the National Guard. Your order: 1. violates the Natural Law, and, 2. you have no way of enforcing the ruling. This law remains in full force and effect."
"Polk County District Judge Michael Huppert wrote in his decision striking down the law that its defenders didn't identify a compelling state interest in barring most abortions after a fetus' heartbeat can be found, The Des Moines Register reported."
My Comment: A compelling state interest??? Could it be that the state of Iowa recognizes that all life is a precious gift from the Creator? And that life, once born, grows and eventually contributes to the commonweal of the state and society in general?
The Heartbeat Bill was signed into law by Gov. Kim Reynolds.
She said: “I am incredibly disappointed in today’s court ruling, because I believe that if death is determined when a heart stops beating, then a beating heart indicates life,” Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said in a statement.
My Comment: Doesn't that make sense? Common sense? But we know that science has now determined that life does, indeed, begin at CONCEPTION. Something that is rarely talked about by the mainstream media... No surprise there!
Additionally, why doesn't the Governor tell this "judge" that "I am the chief law enforcement officer of the state of Iowa; I have at my disposal the state police and the National Guard. Your order: 1. violates the Natural Law, and, 2. you have no way of enforcing the ruling. This law remains in full force and effect."
"Polk County District Judge Michael Huppert wrote in his decision striking down the law that its defenders didn't identify a compelling state interest in barring most abortions after a fetus' heartbeat can be found, The Des Moines Register reported."
My Comment: A compelling state interest??? Could it be that the state of Iowa recognizes that all life is a precious gift from the Creator? And that life, once born, grows and eventually contributes to the commonweal of the state and society in general?
"The latest decision, issued on Jan. 22 in the Polk County District Court, deemed it unconstitutional in the face of the state's laws."
My Comment: Unconstitutional? If it is enshrined in the state constitution, then that "law" is automatically null and void because it violates the Natural Law.
"The decision concluded that the parameters set in the law are "violative of both the due process and equal protection provisions of the Iowa Constitution as not being narrowly tailored to serve the compelling state interest of promoting potential life."
My Comment: "violative of both the due process and equal protection provisions..." Judge, does due process and equal protection also apply to the little baby girl developing in the womb of her mother? Apparently not...
"Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller declined to defend the law. Lawyers from the Chicago-based Thomas More Society argued on its behalf in court at no expense to taxpayers."
My Comment: why wasn't this character fired by the governor??
My concluding comments...
What is it that fills these judges and politicians with such rage and hate against the most defenseless of our species? Why do they kowtow to the haters of life? What enormous power the anti-life forces (Murder, Inc., aka: "planned parenthood") must wield over those same judges and politicians?
I can only think of one, simple answer: such people are part of a world-wide conspiracy to deprive LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of the pre-born. I contend that the killing of the pre-born is nothing short of devil worship. It is a tenet of their "religion" offered on the alter of "choice".
When a pre-born baby is killed in the womb -- or out of it! -- Satan rejoices...
What an eternally horrible price such people will pay when they stand before Christ, their Judge...
Abortion: the REAL war on women...
Abortion: the REAL war on women...
Pray for an end to this scourge that is plaguing our country...
Gene DeLalla
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Bishop Condemns N.Y.S.'s Extreme Abortion Law...
The following is from an article from Breitbart:
The Catholic bishop of Albany said that New York’s Reproductive Health Act (RHA) “is nothing less than a license to kill a pre-born child at will” in an open letter this week to Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Calling the legislation the “Death Star,” Albany Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger takes issue with Mr. Cuomo’s choice to parade his Catholicism about in agitating for the RHA, since the Church condemns abortion as the killing of an innocent child and a grave evil.
Your “advocacy of extreme abortion legislation is completely contrary to the teachings of our pope and our Church,” the bishop wrote. “Once truth is separated from fiction and people come to realize the impact of the bill, they will be shocked to their core.”
My comment:
That's all well and good, Bishop Scharfenberger, but how about publicly ex-communicating this poor excuse for a "Catholic"?
What we need in the new-order Catholic Church, is the testosterone of the bishops to be elevated back to where it used to be in the late 19th Century, before the recruitment and infiltration of the Communists and homosexuals to enter the seminaries and become priests, with the goal of eviscerating masculinity and bringing down the Church from within..
It seems that all these anti-life types fear is bad publicity, so please, dear Bishop Scharfenberger, go on TV and ex-communicate the diabolical governor of New York State, and demand that he do public penance for the rest of his natural life.
I pray that you have the guts to do just that, Bishop.
Pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
A Warning!
Yes, it is a warning -- a "threat" -- If you don't use your God-given abilities to sift out falsehoods from fact, then you will succumb to the biased, anti-life, anti-Christ, and, yes, one more "anti": anti-America leftist media and their take on what is true and what is false.
If that happens, then you, and all those you are responsible for: your charges, your family, and even your friends, will have a skewed view on what is going on in the news. And if that happens, you just might come to the conclusion that your country, and even your race, is damned to hell for all the abuses your country and your race have perpetrated on society.
Witness the recent sham of "victimhood" in the form a Nathan Phillips... This NON-Vietnam veteran is a known hard-left activist for years causing grief for otherwise decent people simply so he can garner sympathy -- but for what?
That's the magic question: for what?
The word is: agenda.
He attempted to perpetrate the impression that some Catholic high school students -- at the March for Life in D.C. -- threatened him as he was banging his drum; not so. He got in their faces, the media, however, claimed just the opposite...
Let me give you a prime example... I will also show the connection between the various agendas and their final end...
Yesterday, the Governor of New York State signed into "law" -- now enshrined in the N.Y.S. constitution, a woman's -- let me correct that: a female's "right" to kill her developing baby girl or boy all the way up to birth! And, if partial-birth abortion, then that is a federal crime, but the apostate "Catholic" Governor Cuomo, cares little for pre-born life, and, apparently, little for where he will be spending eternity.
Cuomo comes from a family of baby killers, so why would he be any different? You see, when one abandons the Faith, then that person opens themselves up to evil to fill the void of good in the soul.
The demons, I'm sure, are rejoicing and celebrating all over New York State, my alma mater (the Bronx -- the borough of New York City that has the diabolical reputation for having the most abortions relative to pregnancies in the entire state, if not the country!).
So, the agenda of Cuomo is to curry favor -- and votes! -- for future elections, thereby assuring a continuance of Demonrat control of both state houses, and to secure that horrible "right" just in case Roe v Wade is eventually overturned.
All the attacks on Christianity in this country and around the world, especially on Catholics, is getting to the point of an outright persecution. Ever see attacks on Muslims or Jews? That would be politically incorrect to say the least, and would lead to immediate condemnation.
The leftist, phony Vietnam Veteran, Phillips, and the likes of Gov. Cuomo, both have the same ends in mind: government control of our lives, especially our precious ability to co-create with our God and Creator. These people hate the family and it shows. They also hate societal norms as well as tradition. They want to transform this country -- and the world -- into some weird socialist utopia where all are "equal" -- except them, of course! I'm sure they see nothing wrong with such suppressive societies as China, for instance...
They also pretend to care for the environment (and "climate change"): a cause celeb among the elites. Another reason to limit the size of families, or eliminate a good portion of the current population!
But how?? Your answer is as good as mine...
There's one thing these elites are forgetting: God will not be mocked. He is, and continues to be, in control.
And if a true revolution takes place in our beloved country, these very same elites will be some of the first "to go." They think they are safe; not so. They are simply useful idiots, and the guillotine will fall on their heads, just as it might on ours.
Now more than ever, we must pray for our country...
If that happens, then you, and all those you are responsible for: your charges, your family, and even your friends, will have a skewed view on what is going on in the news. And if that happens, you just might come to the conclusion that your country, and even your race, is damned to hell for all the abuses your country and your race have perpetrated on society.
Witness the recent sham of "victimhood" in the form a Nathan Phillips... This NON-Vietnam veteran is a known hard-left activist for years causing grief for otherwise decent people simply so he can garner sympathy -- but for what?
That's the magic question: for what?
The word is: agenda.
He attempted to perpetrate the impression that some Catholic high school students -- at the March for Life in D.C. -- threatened him as he was banging his drum; not so. He got in their faces, the media, however, claimed just the opposite...
Let me give you a prime example... I will also show the connection between the various agendas and their final end...
Yesterday, the Governor of New York State signed into "law" -- now enshrined in the N.Y.S. constitution, a woman's -- let me correct that: a female's "right" to kill her developing baby girl or boy all the way up to birth! And, if partial-birth abortion, then that is a federal crime, but the apostate "Catholic" Governor Cuomo, cares little for pre-born life, and, apparently, little for where he will be spending eternity.
Cuomo comes from a family of baby killers, so why would he be any different? You see, when one abandons the Faith, then that person opens themselves up to evil to fill the void of good in the soul.
The demons, I'm sure, are rejoicing and celebrating all over New York State, my alma mater (the Bronx -- the borough of New York City that has the diabolical reputation for having the most abortions relative to pregnancies in the entire state, if not the country!).
So, the agenda of Cuomo is to curry favor -- and votes! -- for future elections, thereby assuring a continuance of Demonrat control of both state houses, and to secure that horrible "right" just in case Roe v Wade is eventually overturned.
All the attacks on Christianity in this country and around the world, especially on Catholics, is getting to the point of an outright persecution. Ever see attacks on Muslims or Jews? That would be politically incorrect to say the least, and would lead to immediate condemnation.
The leftist, phony Vietnam Veteran, Phillips, and the likes of Gov. Cuomo, both have the same ends in mind: government control of our lives, especially our precious ability to co-create with our God and Creator. These people hate the family and it shows. They also hate societal norms as well as tradition. They want to transform this country -- and the world -- into some weird socialist utopia where all are "equal" -- except them, of course! I'm sure they see nothing wrong with such suppressive societies as China, for instance...
They also pretend to care for the environment (and "climate change"): a cause celeb among the elites. Another reason to limit the size of families, or eliminate a good portion of the current population!
But how?? Your answer is as good as mine...
There's one thing these elites are forgetting: God will not be mocked. He is, and continues to be, in control.
And if a true revolution takes place in our beloved country, these very same elites will be some of the first "to go." They think they are safe; not so. They are simply useful idiots, and the guillotine will fall on their heads, just as it might on ours.
Now more than ever, we must pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Stolen Valor?? Phony Vietnam Veteran, Native American...
The hard-Left activist, Native American, Nathan Phillips, portrayed by the biased mainstream media as a victim of harassment by the Covington high school Catholic students, just after the March for Life in D.C., lied about his service in Vietnam. He was a Marine, but never served in Vietnam!!!
Of course, the truth of the matter is that he was harassing the peaceful students and attempted to create a confrontation, not the other way around. But truth doesn't seem to matter these days...
This phony has caused so much heartache for those students and their families, with threats of violence. not only against those very same students, but also against the Covington high school itself, so much so, that the school remained closed because of security concerns.
I ask: where is the Department of Justice, and the hate crimes division?? Why don't they investigate the threats being made??
Even the gutless Diocese of Covington was quick to jump on the condemnation bandwagon, believing the lying media reports instead of investigating for themselves the actual truth of what happened. But that was not to be...
It is apparent that the new norm is guilty until proven innocent. This is not America, but it is quickly turning into Amerika.
Let's see if the Diocese will apologize to their students and their parents, and beg forgiveness for their rash judgment of these innocents...
Remember, in Catholic teaching, rash judgment is a sin.
To the Bishop of the Covington diocese: go to Confession and pray unceasingly to make amends for your rash judgment!
Pray for our country!
Of course, the truth of the matter is that he was harassing the peaceful students and attempted to create a confrontation, not the other way around. But truth doesn't seem to matter these days...
This phony has caused so much heartache for those students and their families, with threats of violence. not only against those very same students, but also against the Covington high school itself, so much so, that the school remained closed because of security concerns.
I ask: where is the Department of Justice, and the hate crimes division?? Why don't they investigate the threats being made??
Even the gutless Diocese of Covington was quick to jump on the condemnation bandwagon, believing the lying media reports instead of investigating for themselves the actual truth of what happened. But that was not to be...
It is apparent that the new norm is guilty until proven innocent. This is not America, but it is quickly turning into Amerika.
Let's see if the Diocese will apologize to their students and their parents, and beg forgiveness for their rash judgment of these innocents...
Remember, in Catholic teaching, rash judgment is a sin.
To the Bishop of the Covington diocese: go to Confession and pray unceasingly to make amends for your rash judgment!
Pray for our country!
Gene DeLalla
Murder, Inc., Killed Nearly Six Times U.S. Soldiers Killed In Vietnam...
Last year, Murder, Inc., aka: "planned parenthood," killed 332,757 pre-born Americans through the terrifying "procedure" known as abortion!
That horrendous figure is nearly six times the number of U.S. troops -- including 111 Air Force Security Police -- killed during the entire Vietnam war!
Let that sink in...
All done with over $500 million of our taxpayer dollars supplied by the federal government.
I will ask a simple question, with, I think, a very complex answer: when will God Almighty smash the hands of those "doctors" and others, who dismember, or chemically dissolve those poor little girls and boys before they have a chance to breath air?
When will the victims' mothers finally realize what they have done to the gift of life from the Creator that makes them co-creators with the divine Founder of that very same life?
I am afraid that this culture of death has so brainwashed these women (and men!) into a hardness of heart so set in concrete, that circumstances may not be able to change their incredibly anti-life, anti-Christ attitude.
I sincerely hope that I am wrong.
Pray for an end to abortion, and pray for our country.
Last year, Murder, Inc., aka: "planned parenthood," killed 332,757 pre-born Americans through the terrifying "procedure" known as abortion!
That horrendous figure is nearly six times the number of U.S. troops -- including 111 Air Force Security Police -- killed during the entire Vietnam war!
Let that sink in...
All done with over $500 million of our taxpayer dollars supplied by the federal government.
I will ask a simple question, with, I think, a very complex answer: when will God Almighty smash the hands of those "doctors" and others, who dismember, or chemically dissolve those poor little girls and boys before they have a chance to breath air?
When will the victims' mothers finally realize what they have done to the gift of life from the Creator that makes them co-creators with the divine Founder of that very same life?
I am afraid that this culture of death has so brainwashed these women (and men!) into a hardness of heart so set in concrete, that circumstances may not be able to change their incredibly anti-life, anti-Christ attitude.
I sincerely hope that I am wrong.
Pray for an end to abortion, and pray for our country.
Gene DeLalla
My Culture Shock: Vietnam...
Culture Shock: Vietnam
first of many culture shocks that came with my tour of duty in Vietnam was
experienced while still in the States.
so, you might ask? Well, it went like
this… I was a Buck Sergeant in charge of the on-the-job-training program for my
flight (similar to an Army company in size).
This responsibility was thrust upon me at the tender age of 19 by my
flight commander, an old Arkansas Razorback, cigar-chewing type who always
seemed to have some drivel down the side of his mouth. Raunchy!
any event, this job took me off the flight line (the flight line meant guarding
the B-52 heavy bombers and the KC-135 refueling tankers) for the cozy – and
warm! – munitions storage facility where I had my files and records for the men
I was responsible for training and upgrading.
I was pretty successful at my new position and continued in that job for
nearly 18 months. Not bad for a kid from
the Bronx…
how could this be the first culture shock of my upcoming tour in Vietnam?
the flight commander picked me for the OJT job, I was no longer guarding the
big jets in the rain, snow, cold, lightning and thunder, etc. But!
There were other airmen that had more rank and time-in-grade than I did,
so there was some jealousy on their part because I was chosen for that special
job. It was thought that I snuggled up
to the flight commander or some such thing, in order to get that OJT job, but I
didn’t, of course.
here comes that first culture shock of my Vietnam duty: I actually had at least
one of the senior airmen wish and hope that I would “get it” in Vietnam. In other words, that I would get killed! There were also other threats made, but to no
avail. I simply went about my duties and
told them to do what they wanted; in a sense, I really didn’t care about them anyway,
though we were still brothers…
December 16, 1967: my departure date
for Vietnam…
second “culture shock” came when I flew over the Pacific on my way to Vietnam. We
were scheduled to land for refueling at Wake Island. Now Wake Island was the scene of a big battle
between the Japanese and the Marines back in World War II, in any event, as we
approached that tiny dot in that BIG ocean, I said to my seat-mate: are we
going to land on that?? He assured me
that, yes, we were, in fact going to land on that “dot”! He was a “veteran” of such travels; I, on the
other hand, was not! We successfully
landed on that “dot”; refueled, and continued on our journey…
third culture shock came when I first landed at Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam; not what
I expected in the sense of what an air base should be as far as being secure;
it wasn’t, at least not from my perspective; I was used to very strict perimeter
and facilities security. I felt these
guys were an easy target for the VC (Viet Cong), but I didn’t stay there very
long; a quick process in, then boarded a C-130 troop carrier, and off to Tuy
Hoa air base in upper (northern) II Corps…
fourth culture shock hit me like a ton of bricks when that C-130 landed at
night at Tuy Hoa… The first thing I saw were the red tracer rounds being fired
from the big .50 caliber heavy machine-guns from the Army base to our
south. I could see the tracers bouncing
off the rocks of the foothills a couple of thousand yards in the distance. I thought: Well, I’m really in it now…
next – fifth – culture shock was the first night on the perimeter; there were
no perimeter lights in that section; it was pitch-black; couldn’t see 10 feet
in front of us, and the jerk I was assigned with that night to man the
machine-gun bunker, kept the M-60 machine-gun wrapped up in the protective
covering instead of taking it out and setting it up ready to spit out the 600
rounds-per-minute at the unseen enemy, that is, if he were to attack. Thank heaven there was no attack that night.
That was the first, and last, time I stood watch with that thick-headed brother…
were many more “culture shocks” I could mention, but one that really caught my
attention was an incident that happened on a very quiet night, that is, until
about 1:30am… I was on a machine-gun bunker with a black brother; all of a
sudden there was the very distinct – and loud – sound of mortar rounds leaving
the tube, being fired practically right in front of us, behind the little huts that
housed the Vietnamese villagers just off the base. I quickly called in the attack to headquarters...
couldn’t see the flash from the mortar, but if we did, I would have opened-up
with the M-60 and cut those little huts in half to get at the mortar crew and
neutralize their attempt to destroy us and the munitions storage area – their
main target.
the rounds were coming in, I told my brother to keep an eye on one part of the
perimeter, and I would watch another section, as the modus operandi of the
enemy was to follow-up a mortar or rocket attack with a ground attack!
was no ground attack!!
the mortar rounds stopped, it was dead quiet again. Talk about being on pins and needles!
was common in a war zone to go from boredom to chaos in seconds. I was part of many such incidents over my
year in Vietnam guarding the perimeter of the two air bases that I was assigned
to; the fist six months at Tuy Hoa, and the second six months at Cam Ranh Bay,
the base I originally landed when I first arrived in-country…
is so ironic about my tour in Vietnam, is that the biggest culture shock I experienced
was when I came back to the U.S. (we called it the world).
was not the same as the year before I went to Vietnam; I had changed; I was
different. It is still with me to this
day; it will never leave me; it is always on my mind. I pray for my brothers every day…
Monday, January 21, 2019
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day...
A brief history of my association with the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr...
No, I didn't know him personally, but I did do my high school term paper on King back in 1963.
Then, during my tour in Vietnam, the terrible news of his assassination reached the base where I was stationed (the air base was located in the northern section of II Corps -- the military had divided the country into four corps: I Corp, II Corp, III Corp and IV Corps).
For some perspective, I Corp included bases, firebases, outposts and patrols that were nearer to the DMZ -- the demilitarized zone -- where things could go from boring to chaos in seconds. The enemy used the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" to funnel their supplies from the North to their bases and troops in the South. II Corps was a "little less" active, but still dangerous; I can attest to that...
As I have written in my story -- The Battle For Oscar Six, available on Amazon, and a previous post, there was a memorial service on base. I had asked my black brother if I could accompany him to the service; he agreed. When we entered the chapel, I was the only white face in the entire crowd, save for the clergy. It was quite an experience; something I will never forget, but I am glad that I was able to pay my respects to the fallen leader, Rev. King.
So, today we celebrate his life and work to bring some measure of equality of rights to his people -- he did that peacefully, unlike what we see happening today when "conservatives" attempt to exercise their rights of free speech and their love for America, come under attack, verbally as well as physically...
This brings me to the March for Life this past Saturday...
The anti-life, hard-Left media barely mentioned it, if at all. This is especially important because they said it was attended by "thousands" or "tens of thousands". No, actually, it was attended by one-half, to three-quarters of a MILLION participants. The so-called "Women's March," though pitifully attended, was covered from one end to the other as if the entire country was behind their bizarre, anti-life, anti-America agenda.
This was just more fake news...
Getting back to the March for Life, I would like to relay an incident that occurred as a group of Catholic high school students were waiting for their buses to arrive to pick them up and start their journey back home.
Those Catholic students, by the way, were from the diocese of Covington, Kentucky. This is important because of what transpired as they waited to board those buses. It seems that there were several protests or demonstrations going on just near the students, including some die-hard, and rather strange group of black "Israelites", chanting obscenities and hate for America. Their malice then turned to those very same Catholic students, increasing their hate and malice for the young Christians...
The students kept their cool. Add to this mess, was a (supposedly) former Marine and Vietnam veteran Native American doing his own chanting and drum beating. He approached the students looking for some type of confrontation. He didn't get what he wanted, but the media twisted what actually happened and blamed the students as being racist and confrontational. No surprise there...
Sadly, the students and some of their families have now been the object of actual bodily threats, as well as threats to their extended families and businesses. Where is the Dept. of Justice and their hate crime division? And why is this considered "normal" these days; something to be expected?
But here's the really incredible part of this disgusting scenario. As it turns out, the Covington Catholic diocese immediately believed the lying media and condemned their own students! Keep in mind that these young people were demonstrating for LIFE, and doing it peacefully and honorably.
It has now come to light what really happened, as evidenced by videos and the few non-biased reporters on the scene: the students were the object of the malice, not the instigators. So, will we see apologies from the media? Will we see apologies from the pulpit? Will the bishop of the Covington diocese apologize to those faithful students and their families? Or will they remain scared of their own shadow and continue to buckle to the radical, anti-Catholic media?
Don't hold your breath, I'm not.
Pray for our country...
No, I didn't know him personally, but I did do my high school term paper on King back in 1963.
Then, during my tour in Vietnam, the terrible news of his assassination reached the base where I was stationed (the air base was located in the northern section of II Corps -- the military had divided the country into four corps: I Corp, II Corp, III Corp and IV Corps).
For some perspective, I Corp included bases, firebases, outposts and patrols that were nearer to the DMZ -- the demilitarized zone -- where things could go from boring to chaos in seconds. The enemy used the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" to funnel their supplies from the North to their bases and troops in the South. II Corps was a "little less" active, but still dangerous; I can attest to that...
As I have written in my story -- The Battle For Oscar Six, available on Amazon, and a previous post, there was a memorial service on base. I had asked my black brother if I could accompany him to the service; he agreed. When we entered the chapel, I was the only white face in the entire crowd, save for the clergy. It was quite an experience; something I will never forget, but I am glad that I was able to pay my respects to the fallen leader, Rev. King.
So, today we celebrate his life and work to bring some measure of equality of rights to his people -- he did that peacefully, unlike what we see happening today when "conservatives" attempt to exercise their rights of free speech and their love for America, come under attack, verbally as well as physically...
This brings me to the March for Life this past Saturday...
The anti-life, hard-Left media barely mentioned it, if at all. This is especially important because they said it was attended by "thousands" or "tens of thousands". No, actually, it was attended by one-half, to three-quarters of a MILLION participants. The so-called "Women's March," though pitifully attended, was covered from one end to the other as if the entire country was behind their bizarre, anti-life, anti-America agenda.
This was just more fake news...
Getting back to the March for Life, I would like to relay an incident that occurred as a group of Catholic high school students were waiting for their buses to arrive to pick them up and start their journey back home.
Those Catholic students, by the way, were from the diocese of Covington, Kentucky. This is important because of what transpired as they waited to board those buses. It seems that there were several protests or demonstrations going on just near the students, including some die-hard, and rather strange group of black "Israelites", chanting obscenities and hate for America. Their malice then turned to those very same Catholic students, increasing their hate and malice for the young Christians...
The students kept their cool. Add to this mess, was a (supposedly) former Marine and Vietnam veteran Native American doing his own chanting and drum beating. He approached the students looking for some type of confrontation. He didn't get what he wanted, but the media twisted what actually happened and blamed the students as being racist and confrontational. No surprise there...
Sadly, the students and some of their families have now been the object of actual bodily threats, as well as threats to their extended families and businesses. Where is the Dept. of Justice and their hate crime division? And why is this considered "normal" these days; something to be expected?
But here's the really incredible part of this disgusting scenario. As it turns out, the Covington Catholic diocese immediately believed the lying media and condemned their own students! Keep in mind that these young people were demonstrating for LIFE, and doing it peacefully and honorably.
It has now come to light what really happened, as evidenced by videos and the few non-biased reporters on the scene: the students were the object of the malice, not the instigators. So, will we see apologies from the media? Will we see apologies from the pulpit? Will the bishop of the Covington diocese apologize to those faithful students and their families? Or will they remain scared of their own shadow and continue to buckle to the radical, anti-Catholic media?
Don't hold your breath, I'm not.
Pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla
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