Monday, September 30, 2019

News Flash!! This Just In... A MUST Read!!

Our reporter, St. Matthew, just called in the following to the newsroom!!  (From Chapter 18...)
At that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who thinkest thou is the greater in the kingdom of heaven? [2] And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them, [3] And said: Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. [4] Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven. [5] And he that shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me.

[6] But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea. [7] Woe to the world because of scandals. For it must needs be that scandals come: but nevertheless woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh. [8] And if thy hand, or thy foot scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee. It is better for thee to go into life maimed or lame, than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into everlasting fire. [9] And if thy eye scandalize thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee. It is better for thee having one eye to enter into life, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. [10] See that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. 
St. Matthew was "shocked" to hear that we -- adults -- must become as little children!   For a time, he was a little confused, but not for long, as he was inspired by the Holy Ghost, not only to write his report, but also to understand what Christ really meant..
Now, just think for a moment... if Christ tells us that we must never be guilty of scandalizing the little ones that God has given us, can you imagine what a high price there is going to be paid for those who do more than scandalize. e.g.: exterminate the pre-born, and now the born -- infanticide?? 
I dread to think about it..
Many thanks to St. Matthew, and the other "reporters" for the great work they did -- and continue to do!!
Pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla

Saturday, September 28, 2019

FDA: Over 6,000 Dead From Puberty Blocking Drug For "Transgender" Children...

FDA: Over 6,000 Dead From Puberty Blocking Drug For Transgender Children

Parents of kids with gender dysphoria not warned about dangers of hormone blockers

The following article is from Kelen McBreen of

A drug used to block puberty in children with gender dysphoria is responsible for the death of over 6,300 people, according to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
The Christian Post reports Leuprolide Acetate (Lupron) “is being prescribed off-label for use in children who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria despite the lack of formal FDA approval for that purpose.”
“The drug is clinically approved for treatment of precocious puberty, a condition where children start their pubertal processes at an abnormally early age and the blocker is administered for a short time until the proper age,” the outlet continues.
Citing FDA data, the article reads, “Between 2012 and June 30 of this year, the FDA documented over 40,764 adverse reactions suffered by patients who took Leuprolide Acetate (Lupron), which is used as a hormone blocker. More than 25,500 reactions logged from 2014-2019 were considered ‘serious,’ including 6,370 deaths.”
A California-based endocrinologist named Michael Laidlaw has been exposing the controversial tactic of prescribing testosterone to girls as young as 8 who suffer from gender dysphoria.
Laidlaw argues, “Gender dysphoria is not an endocrine condition, but is a psychological one and should, therefore, be treated with proper psychological care.”
However, when puberty blockers are given to children, an endocrine condition is created.
This dangerous practice is becoming increasingly lucrative for Big Pharma company AbbVie, with Lupron sales in the United States hitting $669 million in 2017.
My Comment...
The merchants of death continue to confuse and corrupt those children and their complicit parents, into taking a dangerous drug in place of obeying the Natural Law, and accepting the role that God gave them from all eternity, either male or female.  This sickness must end and end soon, if it doesn't, then we will continue to see this relatively new angle to the culture of death spread like wildfire from the heathens who will stop at nothing for filthy lucre's sake.  After all, it's the bottom line that counts, right?  To hell with the souls of those confused and dysfunctional kids.  These poor children are suffering because of the sins of their parents, which includes the most radical strain of political correctness, a true killer of souls...
Pray very hard for an end to this new scourge, and pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Alchemy Of The Hard Left...

Here's the meaning of the word, alchemy:

1. the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir.

2. "occult sciences, such as alchemy and astrology"

What are we hearing and seeing -- right before our eyes -- is the "alchemy" of the hard Leftists who have taken over the Democrat party.  They have been transformed into the Demonrat party, loyal to no one but the devil...

And, as the devil twists facts into lies (there's that alchemy again...), so do those in charge in the Congress (and some in the Senate) twist what they have done, into what President Trump DIDN'T DO, but has done, according to them...  Did you get that??

Pathological liars, cannot keep track of their previous lies, and that is what gives them away.  Unfortunately, many of the John Q. Public folks walking down Main Street, USA, have been almost completely brainwashed by watching and listening to the likes of the leftist (Communist?) supported CNN, MSNBC, NPR, New York Times, et al.  You get the picture.  

What is really scary, is that it is not only those in the secular, civilian world that have bought into the lies, but now -- for the last six years or so -- those who are running and ruining the Catholic Church, have not only bought into those lies, but also are one of the sources of those lies!!

Enter the current pope of the Catholic Church: Francis...

Objectively speaking, he has proven beyond a doubt, that he is a heretic, period.

He has opened his mouth, and so doing, has almost completely destroyed the perennial teachings of the magisterium of the last 2,000 years, from the time of Christ and His Apostles, down to the present day...

This poor excuse of a "Catholic", has fallen into the trap of socialism/Communism, and the worship of the earth, and a false egalitarianism in place of his Creator and Founder of the Church, his Savior, Jesus Christ.

So, along with the Demonrats in the Congress and the Senate, "Pope" Francis is leading his flock over the cliff into the fiery pit of hell, just as Judas betrayed his Master, Francis has betrayed and continues to betray the souls under his charge.  What a high price the pope will have to pay at his particular judgment, that is, if he doesn't repent -- PUBLICLY -- just as the Demonrats must repent -- PUBLICLY -- in order to have the slightest chance of being saved.  But at this point, it seems very unlikely...

The Alchemy Of The Hard Left is the work of the demon; he is laughing "all the way to the bank" -- of hell, and taking his useful idiots with him.

Pray for the defeat of the Demonrats, and also pray for the defeat of pope Francis' diabolical agenda to destroy the Church -- paid for by the blood of Christ and His martyrs...

And pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, September 26, 2019

To My Australian Brothers Who Fought In Vietnam...

To those who think that the Vietnam War was exclusively an American war, you are sadly mistaken.  There were more than 5,000 killed-in-action (KIA) allied troops from several countries: Australia, New Zealand, South Korea (I personally knew some of the ROKs), The Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Canada.

In fact, some of the fiercest, and important battles of the Vietnam War were fought by Australian troops.  These battles helped to stave off massive and potentially disastrous attacks on some of the largest air bases in the South, such as the strategic air base, Bien Hoa.

(During the 1968 Tet Offensive, Bien Hoa air base was attacked in the wee hours of the start of the Vietnamese New Year.  The base defenders -- Air Force Security Police -- were outnumbered 5 to 1, but held on to repel the determined enemy forces with the help of Army gunships and choppers loaded with rockets and machine-guns.  Five cops were killed (KIA), and forty-six wounded (WIA).  For their actions, the Security Police were awarded the following: the Air Force Cross, 3 Silver Stars, and 13 Bronze Stars with "V" for valor.  I am proud of my brother cops, and I remember the 111 cops KIA during the Vietnam War.)

Not only did my Australian brothers help to defeat -- yes defeat! -- the overwhelming enemy forces that surrounded their firebases and forward command centers, but also showed the bias, leftist propaganda media back in the U.S. AND Australia.   The war was in the process of being won, as the Communist forces were suffering dramatic defeats throughout the South.  But that's not what the media reported.  The traitors that helped to humiliate the U.S., continue to this day, to undermine our Republic and its duly elected president.

In the end, the U.S. and its allies had to pull out of Vietnam due to political, not military, pressures enhanced by the Communist sympathizers in the U.S. and other countries.

But the memories remain, and I remember and pray for my brothers that were KIA, and those POWs and MIA and their families... We met as strangers, but became, and remain, brothers...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Abortion Horrors Buried By The Press...

The following article: Abortion Horrors Buried By The Press, is from, written by L. Brent Bozell III and Tim Graham.

Article begins...

The grotesque nature of abortion and the industry that profits from it is routinely hidden by the national press beneath a gauzy layer of rhetorical blather about "a woman's right to choose." It's drummed into the public daily: Abortion is a precious civil right and a sacrament of feminism, never a death, let alone a murder.

Look no further than the discovery of more than 2,200 dead unborn babies in the Illinois home of a recently deceased abortion doctor named Ulrich Klopfer.
They told us Dr. Kermit Gosnell was one of a kind for his creepy storage of dead-baby parts in jars. It turns out he was a piker. Klopfer stored each "fetus" in an individual plastic bag full of medical-grade preservative and put it in a box — totaling more than 70 boxes in his garage, from the floor to the ceiling.
The Indiana attorney general reports that records indicate these unborn babies lost their lives between 2000 and 2002, when Dr. Klopfer operated three abortion clinics in Fort Wayne, Gary and South Bend, Indiana. One man told Fox News that his mother, who is Klopfer's neighbor, always wondered what was in all those boxes.
Only Fox News cared about this revolting story. CNN has given it about a minute on air one weekend day, and The New York Times' initial story was put deep inside the paper, on page A-22. But ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR and PBS? These same networks that wailed for hours about the inhumanity of illegal migrant "kids in cages" had hardly any interest in something a thousand fold more horrific.
At least USA Today's editorial page editor asked us to evaluate the coverage and noted the lack of interest. The Washington Examiner pestered presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg for days to respond, as the doctor performed his grisly business in the town where Buttigieg serves as mayor.
After Fox News' Tucker Carlson made the same point, Buttigieg put out a statement. "Like everyone, I find that news out of Illinois extremely disturbing, and I think it's important that that be fully investigated," he said. "I also hope that it doesn't get caught up in politics at a time when women need access to health care."
"(E)xtremely disturbing"? That's all? He couldn't even condemn it? It really wasn't that disturbing, was it?
Women's "access to health care." Orwell, call your office. Remind Buttigieg there was a garage full of "women's access." Not even this angle stirred the networks to action.
The same trend could be seen in the 2015 Center for Medical Progress video exposés of Planned Parenthood. The networks could barely be moved. Now the leftist government of California is prosecuting the center's David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for having secretly recorded footage of this murder-for-hire conglomerate. When the target is Food Lion or General Motors, the networks call it "investigative journalism" and champion "the public's right to know." But when it's the abortion industry, especially Planned Parenthood?
Then-Attorney General Kamala Harris called the recordings a crime and had the California Department of Justice seize their tapes and other evidence. Attorney General Xavier Becerra is prosecuting Daleiden and Merritt, and after Daleiden was scheduled to appear on Carlson's program, he sought a gag order to restrict what Daleiden is allowed to say about his case in public.
Where are the crusading Brian Stelters and their lectures about the First Amendment?
Newsworthy developments are spilling out of this trial. National Review noted that in a preliminary hearing, California obstetrician-gynecologist and "longtime abortionist" Forrest Smith told the court that the Planned Parenthood executives in the footage "likely illegally altered abortion procedures, causing babies to be born alive and putting the mothers in danger of complications in their quest for more intact fetal body parts."
The "news" networks couldn't care less. They're currently stoking a national panic about teenagers caught up in a "vaping epidemic" or championing children who profess they are doomed to die in the next 12 years due to global warming.
(L. Brent Bozell III is the president of the Media Research Center. Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog

My Comment: The revelations of a complicit media is nothing new, it just reaffirms the heinous agenda of the God-hating left.  The sanctity of life is reduced to that of a cat or a dog, or maybe a chicken.  But even cats, dogs or chickens are protected from mistreatment under penalty of fines or even jail time.  Pre-born kids?  Nope, sorry, no fines or jail time.  The culture of death is so firmly entrenched that even the pope sheds crocodile tears for a melting iceberg and "climate change", yet appoints pro-death and population control nuts to his committees and panels that deal with family and sexuality issues??  He's sick.  God help us!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla   

Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From and written by  Michael   Haynes,   Snr.   Vatican   Correspondent , comes this gem:  Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong...