Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Who Is In Charge?

Just who is in-charge of our government?

Is it President Trump, or is it the military-industrial-complex?

Why is it, when the president decides to remove some of our troops from Afghanistan, the Joint Chiefs said that's not going to happen?  Isn't 18 years of dead and wounded troops, long enough??

Just who is in-charge?

When the president attempts to stand firm against the enemies of free speech or the right to defend ourselves and our families -- the First and Second Amendments -- he seems to get wishy-washy.

Just who is influencing him?

Who is in-charge?

Just think: if President Trump is being influenced by those "advisors" that surround him in the West Wing, what do you think will happen if one of the Demonrats running against him in the upcoming 2020 presidential election, does, in fact, win, and occupies the White House for one, or two terms?

The United States of America will be consigned to the dust bin of history; a distant memory of a once-great Republic that fell after a mere 250 years, as opposed to the Roman Empire that lasted for 500 years or more...

President Trump is quite strong in some ways, but very weak in others.  And when his "advisors" -- and apparently that includes some of his immediate family members -- get his ear, things happen that are adverse to our rights.  We see now that he is considering some type of "social credit score" to help identify just who might be at risk, and used for criteria for buying a weapon (gun).   Thought crimes??

This would be similar to that used in Communist China!

Just who is in-charge??

In the long run, WE THE PEOPLE are in-charge -- of our destiny!  And that is why the Second Amendment must be defended to the last; without compromise!

Did you get that, President Trump??

Pray for our country, and pray for President Trump...

Gene DeLalla

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