Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What Is Going On In The Demonrat Party???

I could simply say that the title of my article "says it all," but I'll explain anyway...

The word: "Demonrat," is used for effect, but it is not just my opinion or bias, it is a truth that cannot be denied.  For instance, let's take a look at the frontrunner for the Demonrats trying to get the nomination for the 2020 presidential election to take on President Trump.  His name is Joseph Biden; the former vice-president of the U.S. of A. under the commander-in-chief of Murder, Inc., -- a.k.a.: "planned parenthood," Barack Hussein Obama.

First, Biden is a Catholic, but in name only, for he has sold his soul to the head Demon for power and position in this life, and to hell with the next -- literally!   He is fully onboard with the culture of death; that is a truth, but according to his recent statement, truth trumps facts!  I'm not kidding, he actually said that truth trumps facts!   What does that mean??

Second, he is confused, and almost incoherent when he makes a speech in front of the few supporters that begrudgingly show up to see this poor excuse for someone wanting to assume the highest office in the land.

Remember, the president of the United States also has his finger, so to speak, on the nuclear button.  Can anyone of sound mind really feel safe with Biden at the helm of the ship of state on that one major point, alone?

But whether it is Biden, or someone other than this 76-year-old-man, all he, and they, have to offer the American electorate, is pure malice and hate, not only directed toward President Trump, but for the American people in general.

The policies espoused by these politicians is nothing short of a radical brand of socialism; some would say outright Communism.

Whether it's socialism or Cummunism, however, the priority of their agenda is weapon confiscation, and the near total destruction of the Second Amendment, without which, we will be helpless slaves of Big Brother... And if that actually happens, you can kiss the First Amendment goodbye, forever.  If anyone thinks I'm exaggerating, think again, and take a simple look at the tyrannical regimes of Communist China and what they are doing to the freedom-loving folks who live in Hong Kong.

There is a more sinister aim of these Demonrats, and that is population control and the annihilation of the family unit, the building block of society.  Such lunacy fits right in with the worship of their god, the Earth; the environment; "social justice," and hatred of the rich (though many of the Demonrats are quite wealthy themselves.  Hypocrites!).

President Trump is not perfect, not by a long shot, but heaven help our country if one of these Demonrats wins the 2020 election and occupies the White House for four, or eight years!   The thought of such a scenario is too frightening to contemplate...

Pray earnestly for our country, and the total defeat of these Demonrats...

Gene DeLalla

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