Friday, September 13, 2019

Taking From The "Rich," And Giving To The "Poor"...

This is what the Democrat candidates for the 2020 nomination for president are prescribing in order to right any wrongs, especially the bizarre idea of monetary reparations to our black brothers and sisters for past slavery that was once the "norm".

Was it the norm in all of the U.S. of A.?  No, not in all of the states and territories...

However, the Supreme Court did rule (in the Dred Scott decision) that a black man -- or woman was not a citizen under the Constitution, making him or her, in essence, less than human.

And let me repeat that it was the Supreme Court that handed down that terrible, and un-natural ruling further entrenching the idea of slavery in the sick minds of some Americans.

Reparations are surely a most ridiculous idea, but not the most ridiculous that the Demonrats have floated in their race to the convention...

If anyone has watched or listened to the "debates" -- if you could stomach them -- one can easily come to the conclusion that if one of these radical leftist candidates makes it to the White House, everything will be "free"!!   And I mean everything!

One problem: how are all those "free" items promised, going to be paid for?

Tax the rich, of course; how else?

When Albert (Al) Gore was running for the presidency, he proposed increasing the tax on the rich.  The problem is that he considered anyone earning $60,000, a year, or over, to be "rich"!!

Imagine that... $60,000 a year, and you are one of the privileged ones: the "one percent" that must pay their "fair-share" of taxes...

Remember, as one is taxed more, your freedom diminishes exponentially.  Let that sink in...

But draconian taxes to pay for their ludicrous schemes are just the beginning... far too many of these loonies want the ultimate control of our lives.. And how will this be done?   Just listen to their plans to deprive us of our right to defend ourselves: the almost total destruction of the Second Amendment through weapon registry and eventual confiscation, as the phony Robert O'Rourke flat-out said so at last night's "debate"...

Without the Second Amendment, all other amendments are meaningless...

Never forget that; never!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


  1. And if they take the nation's guns, what will they do with them? I certainly wouldn't want the nations guns in the hands of the party that's always complaining about "climate change" and thinking the "solution" is to reduce the world's population.

    1. Your question hits the nail on the head... and once our weapons are in THEIR hands, we will become absolute slaves to their every evil whim... thanks for the comment..


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