Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Horrors Of Abortion Revealed In Court!!!

Yes, that's right: The Horrors Of Abortion Revealed In Court -- under oath!!!

The façade of a "woman's right to choose," has been swept away, and the truth about what happens in the heinous act of abortion has now been displayed for all to see.  And that includes the barbaric practice -- which is illegal under federal law! -- of the selling of the poor baby's parts for "research" -- and profit.

There has never been such a monstrous group of fiends since the ancient Aztecs and Incas groomed a part of their human population to be sacrificed in order to satiate their blood-thirsty gods...

The gruesome facts are now part of official court recordings; there is no hiding the inhumane -- and inhumanity! -- of what some will do for filthy lucre's sake.

Beating hearts and entire brains of these little people have been sold to the highest bidder.  Jokes between abortionists playing with nearly intact dead babies has been uncovered; discussions of price for a particular "part" of the little one's body has also been heard on undercover videos.

The following is from Lifesitenews.com and the testimony revealed in court proceedings:

SAN FRANCISCO, September 6, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The CEO of StemExpress essentially admitted in court Thursday that her biotech company supplies beating fetal hearts and intact fetal heads to medical researchers.

She also admitted at the preliminary hearing of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress that the baby’s head could be procured attached to the baby’s body or “could be torn away.”
“That is an especially gruesome admission, but it begs the question: how did they get these fully intact human children?” says Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society, which is representing Daleiden at the hearing.
“If you have a fetus with an intact head and an intact body, and intact extremities, that is something that would indicate that child was born alive, and then had their organs cut out of them, or that that child was the victim of an illegal partial-birth abortion,” he told LifeSiteNews.
“Both of these are gruesome and violent acts.”
The covertly recorded videos exposed StemExpress as the go-to in California for Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in baby body parts, and the biotech company cut its ties with Planned Parenthood shortly after these were released.
My Comment...
Dear readers, is there any doubt about what has happened in this country since the 1973 Roe v Wade decision by the Supreme Court?  We, as a nation, will have a very high price to pay for destroying the greatest gift of God to His human creatures: that of being co-creators with Him!  I believe the numbers of those little people killed in the womb, and now out of the womb, is about 62 Million!
We must all pray for an end to this holocaust -- yes, that's what it is, a HOLOCAUST!
A burnt offering, but not to God almighty, but to the Demon...
Gene DeLalla

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