Sunday, September 8, 2019

Is Alex Jones, Of Info Wars, A Real Nutcase??

How many times can I watch a real nutcase on my computer and still not go nuts myself??

Well, the time has come to call out a real nutcase: Alex Jones, of Info Wars!

His ramblings and silly statements are really too much to take.  At first, I tried like the devil to garner some tiny acorn of truth from his daily drivel.

He lambasts the "progressives" to the point of me being unable to sit still and continue watching, without wanting to get up and throw something at my monitor!

So why do (did!) I watch such balderdash?

Well, as I just wrote: to see if there is, or was, one, little kernel of truth in all his gibberish.  I have sadly came to the conclusion that there isn't any.

So there you have it.  I admit to my "sin" of listening to a real nutcase, and I ask for forgiveness for my actions, and, further, I repent, and I will make a firm purpose of amendment not to listen to Alex Jones, ever again; I mean really...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla  

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