Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Church Of Climatology?

I know that the Left worships anything to do with the climate, and will have nothing to do with worshiping their Creator, God almighty...

So, if they don't believe and worship God, then the God they reject will allow the operation of error to infiltrate their intellects to believe nothing, and, at the same time, believe anything under that nasty, hot sun.

It has become painfully apparent that many children have been scared to death of what might happen to the climate if we don't act -- and act now! -- to stop … what, exactly?

Now, we have little kiddies testifying before Congress, regurgitating nonsensical "facts" that they have been forced-fed over the course of their young lives in the public indoctrination centers, oh, excuse me, I mean the public SCHOOL system...

It always amazes me that these so-called caring little ones, seem to forget that those they follow, are the same folks that call for the elimination of most of the population of the earth by any means possible, in order to save the trees and fishes.

To hell with the pre-born and THEIR right to life!

The adults responsible for their charges will have a high price to pay for their culpable negligence in failing to teach them right from wrong; evil from good, and common sense from nonsense.

When the young grow up to understand that they have been hornswoggled, it may be too late.

I wonder if they have any thoughts on those filthy chemical laden "chem trails" they see crisscrossing the sky right above their little heads??

Come to think of it, maybe they SHOULD be scared...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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