Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Have We Just Witnessed "9/11" -- 2.0??

Over this past weekend, the oil processing and storage tanks in THE major facility in Saudi Arabia came under drone attacks, and disrupted at least 5% of the world's oil supply causing an almost instant rise in oil and gas prices on the trading markets (check out Bloomberg.com to see how the price of oil and gas dramatically spiked, upward, since yesterday).

Know that Saudi Arabia spends a huge amount of $ each and every year on its defense budget, and yet, some relatively cheap (about $15-20k) drones were able to outsmart their entire early warning system and wreak havoc in the oil markets around the world.

Did Iran -- the "boogieman" of all the world's terrorists, so we are told -- fly those drones into Saudi Arabia to accomplish its dirty mission??

Perhaps, but perhaps not...

Or, did this attack come from WITHIN that Arabian country?

On "9/11," how did two "passenger" jets outwit the world's most sophisticated defense and early warning system to take out the twin towers (and don't forget Building 7 -- a perfect example of a planned and controlled demolition!), avoiding the fighter jets that are on alert 24/7, 365?

Remember, that NORAD sees -- and saw that horrible day -- what was coming in toward those towers; the info went up the chain of command to the civilian authorities, but there it died a quick death (to stand down, and not take out those "jets").

I was in the Strategic Air Command for over two years back during the "cold war" years of the mid 1960's, and NORAD, was and is, the eyes and ears of SAC.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, flew through the skies without being seen on the wide screen by NORAD!

Also, keep in mind, that the air space in and around DC, especially near the Capital and the Pentagon have air space that is highly restricted, yet a "passenger" jet hit that iconic building housing the nation's command center of our military operations...

But I digress... -- but not really!  Have We Just Witnessed "9/11" -- 2.0?

I don't know, but what I do know is that blaming Iran for this attack is a big mistake before all the available info is sifted through, that is, the information that is allowed to be shown to the inquiring world...

Could it be that dissidents were responsible -- within the nation of Saudi Arabia attempting to "get even" for the slaughter in Yemen by the Saudis, or for the brutality of the Saudis toward their own people for simply criticizing a repressive government?  Think about it...

The targets, by the way, were precisely mapped-out and carried out with absolute precision, again, avoiding their air defenses in-place to stop just such an attack.

The bottom line: are we going to be lured into another Mid-East war expending hundreds and thousands of American lives as well as inflicting death and mayhem on the Iranians and other players?

Is this another "red flag" operation that the neo-con war mongers are using to get President Trump to make a very bad -- and costly -- decision that, among other things, might end his chances for re-election, not to mention the real possibility of Russia and China getting militarily involved, coming to the aid of Iran??

Something really "stinks in Denmark"...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla   

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