Friday, September 6, 2019

"Bernie" Sanders: Death To The Children!!!

Well, he didn't actually use the words: "death to the children", but, he is, IN FACT, advocating abortion as a form of population control.

Nothing new here, but what is new, is that he is proposing attacking those nations that have predominantly folks of color, a la Margaret Sanger -- the foundress of Murder, Inc., a.k.a.: "planned parenthood," and her plan to eliminate the black race in America through deception and coercion of black pastors!!  In other words, useful idiots.

And who are the useful idiots of today?  The media, of course, but also -- sadly -- the very same black "civil rights" activists, such as "Rev." Jesse Jackson; the "Rev." A. Sharpton, et al, who are all in  favor of abortion and contraception (let's not forget about contraception -- the "silent" form of certain death for potential life after the marital act has taken place).

The problem is, is that the majority of abortions take place among those same black congregations of these phony "reverends."   In fact, the abortion capital of the United States is -- I'm sorry to say -- is the Bronx, New York.  Read the facts for yourself...

Sanders and his ilk are allied with the black "reverends" in their agenda to erase the pre-born little girls and boys that God has given to husband and wife, that is, if these "progressives" still believe in a man and a woman are the only two that can be married.  How naïve of me!

Remember dear readers, if you are considering voting for any of the Demonrats running for the nomination to run against President Trump in the upcoming 2020 election, you must realize -- if you already don't -- to vote for a baby killer is a mortal sin (that is Catholic teaching, and is binding on the conscience of all Catholics!).

So, if anyone considers himself/herself a "progressive", or a "liberal", beware!  For your soul is in DIRE jeopardy!   This is not a game.  If you vote for such an anti-life nut, you just may spend the rest of eternity in the fiery pit of hell, along with all those other unrepentant, anti-life, anti-Christ miscreants...

The choice is yours: that is the gift of free will, use it to make the right, Godlike decisions that will determine your destiny...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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