Monday, September 23, 2019

The Climate Change Gang And Child Abuse, Are They Related?

Yes, they are.

It is called brainwashing of the young, similar to those disgraceful -- and nutty -- parents who take their young charges to various libraries to see and hear those demonic drag queens reading to children unable to discern what is really going on.  In other words, the parents have turned over the job of properly educating and raising their children to the weird and bizarre elements of society that have turned their souls over to the demon.

When the day of judgment comes, what a price they will pay if they don't turn their lives around...

The same can be said of those parents who are sacrificing their children to the climate-change god.  And isn't that what it is: a god, and a new religion?   A god that is quickly replacing their Creator with false and deadly worship of the earth, while rejecting the very same God that made them.

Recently, there has been a stooge -- a nine-year-old-child-stooge (Greta Thunberg) -- that the media is lauding, and using, as a "hero" of the climate change gang, even testifying before gullible and complicit congressional representatives.

I contend that bringing your children before the so-called and filthy drag queens, as well as subjecting them to the climate-change hysteria, is nothing short of child abuse, an abuse that should put those parents in jail for neglect, at the very least, for their culpable stupidity.

We are already beginning to see the results of this abuse: some of these kiddies have said that they will not have children of their own until they see dramatic measures taken to reverse "climate change".   Think about that: they will not have any children, until what age??  Maybe never??

Unwittingly, they are falling prey to the population control madmen and their diabolical agenda.

Nice going Greta; just another useful idiot of the anti-Christ mob...

Gene DeLalla

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