Sunday, September 15, 2019

Has The Catholic Church Renounced Its Christ-Mandated Mission?

The title should read: Has The New Order "Catholic" Church Renounced Its Christ-Mandated Mission?

The answer to the above question: undoubtedly it has.

This sham; this façade of the Catholic Church has sunk to the level of the banal.  It has reduced itself to something unrecognizable from the nascent Church that was nurtured and "watered" by the blood of the Christian martyrs.

No longer does it produce authentic saints, but only saints in name only; a modernist tribute to the very ones responsible for the near destruction of the once-great divinely founded institution.

She has succumbed to the spirit of the age; she has compromised with the world to curry favor with those intent on eliminating God from the minds, hearts and souls of the Elect, and replacing Him with a man-centered "god" that seems to gladly worship the Earth, instead of their Creator.

The establishment of the Church -- at the highest price possible: the Blood of the Savior -- was and is for the salvation of souls; anything less, and that mission fails.

But!  There is hope!

The true Catholic Church still exists.  Right now, it is in a "remnant status".  Those faithful to Christ are suffering persecution on a level not seen since the Arian heresy of the fourth and fifth centuries.  That monstrosity affected the clergy and laity from the ground up, and from the very top down -- as we see happening today.

The current pope is absolutely responsible for the mass confusion and sacrifice of the authentic magisterium's teachings that bind the conscience of all Catholics.  He has replaced those key elements with opinion and social justice nonsense...

The pendulum, however, is beginning to swing in our direction, with more and more families attending the Traditional Latin Mass, and forming communities of those faithful souls who know what their true destiny is: not love of the world, but love of heaven.  We are in the world, but we are not to be OF the world...

Pray that the once-great moral and spiritual beacon that was the Catholic Church will again rise up to the challenges of that mandate: to preach; to Baptize, and convert the world to Her bosom for their salvation...

And while you're at it, pray for our country!

Gene DeLalla

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