Thursday, September 5, 2019

Did You All See The Demonrat "Debate"?

I don't know whether to be scared, sad, or completely confused!

Could it be that those running for the 2020 nomination for their party's nomination to run against President Trump are simply brilliant, or completely ignorant -- or both?

First, I don't think they're ignorant.  Why?  Because they know exactly what they're doing and really mean to accomplish their diabolical goals.

Second, I know they're not brilliant, because they insult the very Americans they need to get them elected!

These lunatics want to do away with all fossil fuels, and destroy millions of jobs no matter what hardships their ridiculous and devastating policies would cause.

But most importantly, they want Earth-worship to succeed.  And how does that work?   It's really very simple; population control, through abortion, euthanasia, emasculation of whatever manhood still remains, and the near or total destruction of the family unit...

I hope this sounds scary, because it is.  Further, it's all out in the open now; they make no bones about their agenda, which includes complete government control of our lives.  I'm not exaggerating here, just giving you the facts; just the facts.

In addition to the obvious, they openly talk about violence against anyone who might have opposing views, especially more conservative views.  Translation: "I will not tolerate you because you are a God-fearing individual who believes in freedom, rather than absolute control of every aspect of your life.  How dare you oppose or disagree with MY views!?"

I can assure all those reading this article, things are getting much worse, and will continue to do so if we don't exercise our rights under the Second Amendment.

Without this core right, all other rights become meaningless.

To make a simple analogy: as in the Catholic Church, Baptism is the first -- and premiere -- sacrament, without which, all the other sacraments cannot be administered.

And speaking of the Catholic Church... one of the main reasons for the "success" -- so far -- of these anti-life, anti-Christ lunatics, is the weakness and near total destruction of the Church of our Divine Founder.

We also know that the destruction of the Church will never happen, but at the present time, we are going through a trial by fire that leave only a remnant of the Elect...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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