Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Life Has Been Reduced To A Diabolical Business Transaction...

With the loss of the sanctity of life, comes some of the most bizarre revelations imaginable concerning the killing of the pre-born and associated horrors..

As a court case in California continues regarding the pro-life undercover videos that shows the callousness of the dealers in death, it has become apparent that the little lives of the pre-born have been reduced to a simple, yet diabolical business transaction.

The idea that a pre-born child (a real human baby!) can be sold for "parts" -- just as used car-parts in a vehicle junkyard -- to the highest bidder, is without a doubt, the most barbaric, unfeeling, and disgusting thing I have ever seen or heard of.

To know that there are people out there -- fellow human beings of the pre-born girl or boy -- can talk, joke, and deal for their tiny bodies shows the cheapening of the precious gift of life.

In a sense, who can blame them?

Since 1973, the murder of the pre-born has been "legal".   But the "foundation" of such brutality was laid when contraception was brought to the marketplace, and accepted by the vast majority of Americans, including "Catholic" Americans.  Or should I say American Catholics.  There is a difference, and that difference is titanic!

Sadly, Catholic women jumped on the bandwagon along with most Protestants and others, when the Anglicans decided that contraception was no longer a sin (1930 Lambeth Conference).  Keep in mind, that the eugenicist, Margaret Sanger (foundress of what was to become "planned parenthood"), pushed for the change in doctrine.  But with the rejection of the true Church of Christ, the intellects of those Anglicans and other denominations, were ripe for deceit and coercion.

But of course, contraception didn't stop there, on the contrary, the floodgates were opened to the next step: abortion, and now euthanasia, the selling of baby parts, infanticide; the list is almost endless.

In the Bible, Christ admonishes those who would scandalize the little ones: that it would be better for them to have a milestone tied around their necks and be thrown into the sea.

Is it possible that Roe v Wade will soon be overturned by the Supreme Court with another Trump appointment to fill a potential vacancy of the ill Ruth Ginsburg?

Maybe, but I wouldn't hold my breath.  What will stop the scourge of abortion is not more legislation, but a true conversion of heart, mind and soul, anything less, will be a dismal failure.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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