Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Connection Between Cultural And Spiritual Corruption...

The connection between cultural and spiritual corruption is real, and cannot be denied.

We witness this corruption on a daily basis, unfortunately not only in our country, but also the world over.

We see it in the "legality" of the slaughter of the pre-born (and now the born!) -- over 61 MILLION since the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v Wade.  We see it in governmental corruption, whether uncontrolled spending with a fiat currency with nothing but "the full faith and credit of the U.S. government" to back it up...   We see it in false flags that continue to entangle us in foreign wars by the agents of the "intelligence" community.  We see it in politicians who are pathological liars, with no concern for those they have been elected to represent, but for their own aggrandizement and the perpetuation of the status quo, at the very least.

The recent revelations of the pervert, J. Epstein, now deceased (murdered in his own jail cell), encompassing many well-known names in politics and in society in general.  But even from the grave, the tentacles of this brutal, sexual pervert reveal the near-total depravity of far too many of those who are looked up to for leadership and moral direction.   In my opinion, that's why he was taken out!  

Those whistleblowers that have attempted to tell their horrifying experiences, are quickly mentioned in the mainstream media, then brushed aside, many, as conspiracy theorists trying to capitalize on a formally wealthy dead man.

If we are to look for a reason, or reasons, why people act the way they do, look no further than the fact they have nearly totally rejected God, their Creator, in favor of power, money and position in this world, and to hell with the next!

We cannot separate the cultural corruption from the spiritual corruption -- and weakness that we see in the leadership (the human element) of the Catholic Church -- one of the main reasons things are the way they are in the world.  No longer is the Church looked to as the moral and spiritual beacon it once was.

But there is always hope!  And that hope lies in the conversion of heart, mind and soul of those sinners (we're all sinners in one way or another), to repent and make a firm purpose of amendment not to continue in the sin that enslaves them.  

In the end, all must turn to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, without Him, there will be continued chaos, not only in the world, but most importantly, in our own lives...

And continue to PRAY for our country...

Gene DeLalla  

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