Monday, September 2, 2019

Hong Kong -- And Its Protesters, Will Be Crushed...

Little Hong Kong, dangling from the underbelly of this beast, is putting up a fight so valiant, so brave, that it brings tears to the eyes of anyone who hopes for more from life than managed consumerism and soul-deadening distraction from the fact of fundamental unfreedom.  -Jason Morgan (From a Remnant article...)

My Comment:

The situation in Hong Kong is dire at best, and getting worse.   

Who in the world seriously believes that the Chinese Communist military machine (that has already sent multiple thousands of troops and armored personnel carriers and trucks loaded with the weapons of war) will let those protesters get away with their fight for freedom? 

The Communists cannot allow that to happen.

But the world is seeing just how vicious the Communist machine really is, that is, only by the alternative media, as the mainstream, pro-socialist media in the land of the free and the home of the brave, are sympathetic to the "cause" of human incarceration, and population control on a massive scale.  

We are seeing the pro-freedom protesters waving American flags, and playing OUR national anthem!  This, of course, is rubbing salt into the wound of the Chinese slave owners, and they can't have that -- at least not for long.

Will we, as a nation, get directly involved in this not-so-new phase of resistance to tyranny?  Or will we witness another -- and much worse -- Tiananmen Square?   Time will tell, and that time is getting very short, indeed... 

On the other hand, we see the violent, leftist Antifa mobs burning American flags, and sporting rifles and clubs in an attempt to crush our own good-guy protesters as they march peacefully through the streets of America...

I have two questions: where are those responsible for enforcing the law and protecting law-abiding citizens as they attempt to exercise their rights under the Natural Law?  And, can "Hong Kong" happen here as well?   

I'm afraid, that to a certain extent, "Hong Kong" is already happening here, and if we don't -- or won't -- open our eyes to the existential threat to our freedoms, we too will be enslaved by the "masters of the universe" sooner, rather than later.   

Pray for our country, and for the strength for what might be coming down the road in short-order...

Gene DeLalla

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