Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Upside-Down, Bizarre World Of The New Order "Catholic" Church...

As I write this short article, it seems -- to me at least -- that the New Order "Catholic" Church has gone over the edge of the cliff, taking with it numerous souls into the fiery pit of hell itself.

During the 16th Century, the Protestant Revolt -- NOT "reformation" -- Luther and his ilk nearly tore apart the real Catholic Church and took with it millions of immortal souls down into the everlasting fire, to be separated from God forever.

But that revolt against Christ -- and make no mistake, it wasn't a protest or revolt against the Church, it was, in fact, a revolt against Christ's mystical body, which IS Christ -- pales in comparison to the widespread apostasy of faith and morals that has led to disbelief in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, for one, and the denial of the necessity of being Catholic in order to be saved, for another.

(When Saul was struck down off his donkey on the road to Damascus, the Voice from heaven exclaimed: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?  But Saul never knew or saw Our Lord, yet the Lord says to Saul, why are you persecuting Me?  In other words, those words prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the early converts to Christianity were Christ's mystical body, because they were in Christ, and Christ was in them.   After that momentous event, Saul's eyes were opened, and then he became the great Apostle to the Gentiles: St. Paul.)

The Mystical Body of Christ is being shredded right before our eyes, but there is, or should I say there are remnants of the Elect that will survive this era of confusion, schism, and apostacy, scattered throughout the world, waiting for the arm of divine judgment that will put an end to the murderers of the one, true faith.  

What we are currently witnessing, is much worse than that failed experiment of Protestantism, or even the Arian heresy of the 4th- and 5th-Centuries...

As an example, here are just a few headlines regarding some of the weird news flowing out of the new order "Catholic" Church:  Malta Church school awarded teaching position to man who calls himself a woman; Vatican whistleblower ViganĂ²: Pope Francis is the one ‘provoking’ schismTwo cardinals close to Francis accused of covering up sex abuse of pope’s altar boysNotre Dame students demand co-ed dorm rooms to fight ‘heteronormativity...

Of course, those are only tiny samples of the lunacy of confusion and obfuscation of God-given common sense and responsibility, not to mention "priests" such as the pro-homosexual and LGBT nutcase, "Father" James Martin.  Or how about "Cardinals" Dolan of New York, or Cupich of Chicago, or Tobin of Newark, NJ... the list is almost endless.  Remember, that these "clerics" are not only the purveyors of filth and homosexuality, but also guilty of corrupting the faith and morals of their charges.  I can only imagine the price these traitors to Christ will have to pay at their Particular Judgment, that is, if they don't publicly repent of their heinous sins against Christ and humanity...

As President Truman once quipped: the buck stops here... Meaning, that he took responsibility for the actions of his subordinates in his administration.  The current "pope," Francis, is directly responsible for the rampant and continuing disaster of the homosexual mafia that has fully infiltrated the Bride of Christ, as well as for the loss of faith of those Catholics struggling for a sense of direction and hope.  Catholics by the millions have left Holy Mother Church to go, where??

But!  There is always hope!  Our Lord tells us in the Bible, that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (His Church).  That guarantee is gold in the bank!  Do not despair, but pray for divine intervention, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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