Saturday, September 21, 2019

Can We Trust Our Intelligence Agencies??

The question begs to be repeated: Can We Trust Our Intelligence Agencies??

Well, unless you and I have been on some other planet lately, and have not been following the disgraceful attempt at the overthrow of a duly elected president -- a "soft" coup -- the answer, I'm afraid, is a resounding NO!

First: what is the meaning of the word: intelligence?

One meaning: the collection of information of military or political value.

In other words, spying.

I have one question for the heads of all our "intelligence" agencies: why have you spied on American citizens?   I ask such a naïve question because I always thought that spying was reserved for non-American citizens attempting to do harm to our country.

As it turns out, everyday Americans as well as those in positions of power and great responsibility, such as the president, are being spied upon for -- what, exactly?

Here is an excerpt from the Truman Library regarding the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)...

The CIA evokes images of clandestine activity, spies hiding in corners and covert overthrow of unfriendly government regimes. However, when Truman established the organization in 1947, he envisioned something much different -- a sort of daily newspaper, informing him of developments around the world that could impact American policy. Yet even during Truman’s own presidency, the CIA did evolve to become much more than a news agency for the President as covert operations began in earnest early in the agency’s history.

On American citizens as well??

I have read that President Truman eventually regretted the establishment of that spy agency.  How true that is, I don't know, but we see the results today: an-out-of-control, rogue agency that uses its enormous -- and unknown budget -- for the gathering of information on Americans that are attempting to resist the abuses of its government.  A government that is supposed to safe-guard the rights of its citizens, not restrict or transgress on those rights established under the Natural Law; those rights given to us by God, Himself.

But it isn't only the CIA that spies or gathers information on American citizens for no good reason, but also the many other departments and agencies that have been formed over the years, especially the NSA, the Dept. of Homeland Security, the FBI, ATF, and many others.

Not only are Americans now subject to the whims of unhinged, anti-natural rights activists in those agencies, but also to a judicial system that, for whatever reason, infringes on those very same rights.

Why?  And who are these people appointed for life, causing great damage to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness as stated so eloquently in the Declaration of Independence.

I would strongly suggest that these miscreants read that great document, especially the following:

...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute DESPOTISM, it is their right, it is their DUTY to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security...

This is one great reason to fight for our Second Amendment, without which, all the other Amendments are meaningless...

Pray for the end of these un-American agencies, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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