Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Anniversary Of A Day That Will Live In Infamy: 9/11/2001...

That's right, a day that will live in infamy, but not as the official narrative relates, or the mainstream media -- and even the "conservative" talking heads relate, that a group of Islamic Jihadists took over a couple of passenger jets and flew them into the World Trade Center towers (and building 7?).

Overwhelming evidence is now in the open, and Grand Juries may be called into session relatively soon, but have you read that in the New York Times, or heard that on NPR?  I think not...

Let us hope that the truth will come to light, and point the guilty finger at those truly responsible for the mass murder of nearly 3,000 American citizens on that terrible day.  But also keep in mind, that nearly 3,000 American citizens -- pre-born, that is -- are killed every single day in this country!  Where is the outrage; where are the memorial ceremonies; where are the tears (on the part of those who take those lives -- a stupid question, I know); where is the resolve to end this ongoing, consistent slaughter?

There isn't any.

And there won't be anytime soon...

Let the truth come to light about the real conspirators that perpetrated the demolition of the towers, and the killing of those innocent Americans.

The truth is already coming out, in court testimony, about the heinous killing and selling of aborted babies and their precious, little bodies to those godless fiends who know nothing but the bottom line...

God help us!

Gene DeLalla

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