Monday, September 16, 2019

Bolton Is Out, But NOW War With Iran????

The extreme war-monger, John Bolton, is out of the Trump administration, but over the weekend, there was a drone attack on Saudi oil fields and production facilities.


Who led those drones into those facilities?

Was it Iran?  Was it some other rogue gangsters?

Sec. of State Pompeo says there is "good" evidence that the drones were backed by, or at least, helped by the Iranian military.

What evidence?

The boogieman, Iran, is responsible for all the world's terrorists, at least that's what we are told.

But wasn't it the Saudis that gave us those 19 high-jackers that took over the planes that slammed into the World Trade Center buildings back in 2001?

Are we supposed to go to war with Iran because they -- or someone else -- sent some drones into those Arabian oil production facilities and fields?

What is going on here??

President Trump is getting some very bad advice; he is being taken to the wood-shed by the military-industrial complex, war mongering lunatics, that have no problem with another Mid-East war, that will, by the way, quickly expand to include China and Russia.  Is that okay with anyone reading this article??

Our nation has never experienced war on such a grand scale as a nuclear war, or even a massive conventional war as occurred in Europe and most of the other countries of the world during World War II.  But if we get into another war in the Mid-East or elsewhere, then I'm afraid that we will experience death and mayhem right here in our own land...

The open-border traitors in this country have probably let numerous sleeper cells infiltrate into the U.S. from our southern border -- and perhaps our northern border with Canada -- that will wreak havoc on many of our nation's infrastructure.  

This is no joke.

Pray earnestly for peace!  And pray that President Trump does not get railroaded into war from rotten advisers that do not have the best interests of the American people at heart, only their foul and demented thirst for war, blood and filthy lucre...

Gene DeLalla

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