Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Massive Conspiracy That The Mainstream Media Will Not Touch!!

Okay, this is not another conspiracy of the left-wing media making up "news" to defame conservatives.  No, this is something that is ongoing in the field of holistic medicine, as opposed to the medical establishment.  That one sentence alone, should speak volumes, and it does...

I bring to your attention, the over 100 doctors of holistic medicine who have died, and others who practice the medical arts; an art where they actually take to heart, the Hippocratic oath to do no harm to their patients.

Just think, if the medical establishment lived up to their oath, I think the world would be in much better shape, both physically -- and spiritually, perhaps??

Here are some facts to ponder: since 2015, the demise of those doctors of holistic medicine have been dying like flies, and the list keeps growing with each passing year.  The question begs: why hasn't the mainstream media jumped all over this story, and dug for answers? 

(I have read some of the reports of the way some of these doctors have died, and, to be honest, it sounds very suspicious, and that's putting it mildly, with information coming from family members absolutely denying, at least, the suicide aspect of the official reports of their deaths.)

My contention is that the cost would be prohibitive.  Sounds as though I'm talking about an experimental drug or something, but I'm not.  I'm talking about the cost in lives, or at least a threat to life and limb, not to mention the revenue for the networks would suffer greatly.  After all, watch any show on TV or the Internet, and see that every few minutes there is a commercial, with many of those commercials touting one type of drug or another.  Read the disclaimer quickly, that is, if you can, as the fine print is very fine!  Better still, while waiting at the dentist or doctor's office, pick up a magazine, open the pages to see the incessant advertising for drugs, but also be sure to read the one or two pages of side effects of some of our favorite medicines.  It seems that the threats to bodily health is worse than the disease itself!

Getting back to the massive number of "coincidental" or "accidental" or "suicidal" deaths of these brave souls treating their patients with other than "FDA approved" (allopathic) drugs or treatments, and one begins to wonder what or who would take out members of their own community.  But then again, perhaps they are not looked upon as one of their own??

It is apparent to me, that because of the success of alternative methods of treatment used by some of these holistic doctors and practitioners, they immediately become targets of what is called "Big Pharma" and the entrenched, medical community.


The amounts of money involved here are beyond comprehension, that's why...

We are talking about billions -- that's BILLIONS -- of dollars in lost revenue to the medical establishment and the drug making companies...

If you think that someone would be "hit" if there was, let's say, a $1,000,000 involved, then how about those BILLIONS that I just mentioned?

As I have written previously, back in the 1930's there was an organization created by the Mob to take out unwanted threats to their territories or businesses.  This band of bad guys was called: Murder, Inc., and that's just what they did: they fulfilled "contracts" put out by the mob bosses to eliminate their competition.  Could it be that there is a modern-day "Murder, Inc." to take out those who  would threaten the enormous revenue stream that flows into the coffers of the big drug makers?  And how about all the "research" that calls for more and more monies so a "cure" could be found for, whatever...

I think you get the overall picture here... I would urge all who read this short article to do some digging and see for yourself what lies just below the surface of what passes for "news" these days.  Maybe, just maybe, you might be surprised...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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