Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Are You Saved, Brother??

I often hear my Protestant -- those who protest against the Catholic Church -- friends, or a relative or two, who say that if you give your life to Christ, or establish a "personal relationship" with Christ, then, as if by magic, you damn-well better believe: you are SAVED!

First, most of those folks use the Bible to justify their supposition.  I find that interesting... But they either don't know that the very same Bible they use to support their belief system, and declare their salvation, was put together and codified by the authority of the Catholic Church.  Even a cursory scan of history will prove this, yet most will not believe this fact.  And if that is the case, then they are either culpably ignorant, or too prideful to acknowledge this.

Second, the "Bible only" group that places all their hopes, and dreams, and their very salvation, forget that the true religion was in place, and passed on from Abraham to Moses without a single written page of Scripture -- not until the inspired Moses put the first ink to parchment in Genesis.  Keeping in mind, that there was approximately 250 years between these two patriarchs.

The answer is: ORAL TRADITION...

In the New Testament, St. Paul tells his congregations to stand fast to the traditions they have been taught, either by word, or our epistle...

These data present a problem for the Protestant: either he has to admit the truth of what I just wrote, or he continues living a lie.

Thirdly, those who say that we must be "born again," are correct, but not how they mean it.  Here,  the Bible is very clear on what being born again is all about: St. John, Chapter 3, verse 1 to 5.  Here is the pertinent passage: "...Except a man be born again of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.   (Taken from the King James version of the Protestant Bible.)

Why is water so important?  Remember, our Lord was "baptized" by St. John the Baptist in the Jordan..  And, at that moment, the water itself was sanctified.  Perhaps that's why nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered by water?  Even in the driest deserts, if one digs deep enough, there is water to be found.  We know that Christ didn't need to be baptized, as He was without Original Sin -- any sin!  But, He was giving an example of what had to be done to those who would eventually follow Him.  Remember too, that at Pentecost, St. Peter and the other Apostles were given the power and strength to preach and baptize, and that very day, at least 3,000 came into the Church, and were cleansed of Original Sin through Baptism -- they were BORN AGAIN!

Fourthly, I strongly suggest to all my Protestant friends and relatives, read St. John, Chapter Six -- all of it -- regarding the Eucharist.

Here is the pertinent verse (53): Then Jesus said to them, verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOU.  (The entire chapter six of St. John, is taken from the King James version of the Protestant Bible.)   And so, it's Catholics that have the most personal and intimate of relationship with Christ through the reception of the Holy Eucharist!

What more can I say here, except that I point out these biblical facts in order to have my Protestant friends and relatives to come into the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church founded by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so they too, may share in life eternal, as God wills all men to be saved -- and come to the knowledge of the truth...

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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