Friday, January 3, 2020

A New, Full-Blown War With Iran?

Our military just took out a top-ranked Iranian general responsible for numerous attacks on our men in Iraq, so we are told.  And Iran has pledged retaliation.

So what's new?

Taking out this killer-general was done to protect American interests (and our men) in the region.  Okay, I can agree with that, but if we are to "protect American interests," then how about securing our southern AND northern borders?

After all, not only are illegal aliens entering the country at break-neck speed, our porous borders are also allowing a scourge of deadly drugs to infiltrate our land and poison and kill our kids, and young adults.

Where is the determination to stop this mass invasion and slaughter of our citizens?   Where is the outcry to "protect American interests"?

All the neo-cons want to do is to get us enmeshed in another costly war, costing the lives of our military, and putting more strain on our already empty treasury...  But not to worry, the printing presses run day and night, issuing more fiat currency worth little or nothing.  Remember, what you have in your wallet, is a "federal reserve note," not a silver certificate as in days gone by.

One of the things about wars, if you haven't noticed, is that the neo-cons -- or anyone that thirsts for war and regime change -- never go to war themselves, they send "us" to fight their battles and their demonic agenda of world domination.

Sounds a little like the Communist war-lords of the old Soviet Union and Mao's "Cultural Revolution" of the 1960's, doesn't it?

But isn't that what it is in the end: world domination?

I ask this, because it seems to me that our Republic -- or what is left of it -- is on the verge of almost total collapse.  There are many reasons for this, but suffice to say, that without Christ, there is nothing left but chaos.  And make no mistake, God will allow the operation of error to enter the intellects of those that no longer hear His Word.  Such folk will not be able to make decisions based on common sense (the Natural Law), but are influenced by dark forces that roam the world, seeking those whom he (Satan) can devour (St. Peter)...

Let us please pray for our nation, and pray earnestly for peace...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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