Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I Witnessed A MIRACLE On The Feast Of The Epiphany Last Night At Mass!

You can believe me, or not, but it's true!  I witnessed a MIRACLE last night at Mass!

While the world seems to be going up in flames, both figuratively and literally, my wife and I found succor and peace at a sublime high Mass, celebrated by a "new" priest -- a servant of Christ -- from Spain.  He will be headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri...

It was obvious to all who attended, that this man -- a real man's man! -- was a dedicated and holy individual fulfilling his calling to serve others at the altar, offering sacrifice to his God and Master, on behalf of the faithful filling the pews on that Monday night.

No, it wasn't a "holy day of obligation," but nevertheless, those attending were at least as many as are there for Sunday Mass!  Apparently, folks took time out from their busy schedules and work, to come and witness and celebrate with Father...

(And yes, we Catholics do call our priests "Father" -- it is biblical; look it up!  (Father Abraham, comes to mind, as one major example..  How do you refer to your dad???   That's my father, correct??)

The sung Mass was the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, and all present could see and sense it.  It should be noted that there were numerous large families present for the celebration of the holy sacrifice of the Mass; from babies, and toddlers, to growing little boys and girls clinging to their moms or dads...

And now the MIRACLE!

The priest called down from Heaven the Creator of the universe to be present on the altar of sacrifice, so He could be received by His Church Militant, here on earth.   The need to be strengthened for the trials and tribulations that are directed our way to test our resolve to remain loyal to the end, and win the crown of victory -- of eternal life! (St. Paul), has never been greater...

The little Babe Who's birth was just celebrated on December 25th, has rapidly grown into the Lord of all nations...  He humbled Himself to take on our human form and nature, in addition to His divine nature, and gives Himself back to His Father thousands of times a day, all over the world in reparation for the sins that we weakened human creatures commit over and over again...

The Apostle asked: How many times must we forgive sins, Lord?  Seven times seven??

He answered: seventy times seven!

In other words, as many times as someone sincerely confesses their sins, right up to their last breath...

So, the power given to the priest when he receives Holy Orders, to transubstantiate the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ at the altar, and offer the Holy Eucharist to us (sinners!), also includes the power to forgive sins, given to the Apostles and their successors down through the millennium to the present day...

THAT is the MIRACLE that I -- and all of us present at Mass last night -- witnessed right before our eyes!

After the Mass, our newly-ordained priest gave his special blessing to each and everyone present... Plus, we kissed the palm of his hands, in recognition of the anointing with the holy oil applied during his ordination to the priesthood by his bishop...

We must all pray for good and holy priests these days more than ever, in light of the treasonous actions of those who give in to the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil...

Pray too, for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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