Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Another Murder, Inc...

For those who may not know, Murder, Inc. was an organization formed by the "mob" back in the 1930s for the purpose of carrying out "hits" on those unfortunate individuals "fingered" by that very same mob for elimination.  The reason for the "hit" didn't matter, what did matter was that those people had to be removed from the scene; the scene being territory, money, liquor, and, probably -- and most importantly, securing the position of  "top dog," or boss of all bosses of the crime syndicate (in Italian: Tutti di capi tuti) .

As many of the readers of my articles know, I often use Murder, Inc. to describe the so-called "planned parenthood": the killer of pre-born babies, and even -- born babies!!  That's called infanticide, which, by the way, has always been against federal law, not to mention the Fifth Commandment and the Natural Law, and it seems to be gaining a foothold even under the presidency of Mr. Trump -- he knows it must be stopped!!

But now, there is another Murder, Inc. that has come to the forefront, in, of all organizations, the Catholic Church, or what passes for the Catholic Church.  It is important here to make a distinction of the authentic Church, and a "parallel church" that only resembles the authentic church, but is light years away from the church that Christ founded 2,000 years ago...

Now, since the pontificate of pope Francis nearly seven years ago, a new revolution has taken place that rivals the French Revolution of 1789, which ushered-in the near wiping out of the Catholic clergy and religious orders that fell under the bloody guillotine.  It should be noted, too, that several prominent "founders" of the revolution, made that last walk up the steps to lose their heads to the guillotine because they just weren't radical enough!!  I guess today, one might call them "moderates."

As each day goes by, we are learning that Murder, Inc. has been busy, and right under our eyes, as faithful Catholic priests are in hiding for revealing the corruption of morals and misuse of hard-earned monies generously donated by what is left of the new-order Catholics -- mainly elderly -- still in the pews.   Of course, the satanically inspired Vatican II opened the floodgates of modernism as well as the "coming out" of the recruited homosexual and Communist moles that burrowed their way deep into the Church, and rose up through the ranks to become bishops and cardinals -- and popes?

One of the most prominent of faithful bishops who has gone into hiding for fear of being murdered, is Archbishop Vigano.  This brave archbishop has called a spade a spade, and pope Bergoglio doesn't like it; that's putting it mildly!   And then there is the murder of a priest who was just about to give testimony of the homosexual network and other forms of corruption, but was assassinated with one shot in the ear area, and one in the back of his head.  His sister continues to have his murder investigated to this day.  She wants to prove that her brother did not kill himself, but was "hit" by sinister forces because of what he knew and for what he was about to reveal to authorities...

There is another good and decent priest who has also gone into hiding, after being tipped-off that henchmen from the archdiocese of Chicago; sent by "Cardinal" Cupich, were literally on their way to abduct him and have him committed for mental incompetence... His "crime": He had an LGBTQ banner or flag burned after it was found on church property.  From my understanding, some of the so-called parishioners were the ones who ratted him out to the cardinal, who, by the way, is a notorious supporter of the Lavender Mafia!!

The examples of the corruption of the human element in control of the Church, are legion, but in the long run, I think that even they know Who will win out...

One of the major sins of this modernist cabal, is scandal.  And this scandal can be long-lived, affecting entire generations of, not only Catholics, but also those who may be considering coming into the true Church in order to be saved.  I cannot even imagine the accountability and the justice of those responsible for the loss of immortal souls, will have to pay at their Particular Judgment!

In light of this massive apostacy from the faith, what are the faithful laity and clergy to do?  How can we go about our daily lives and still realize what continues to happen to Holy Mother Church on a daily basis and not despair?

There are many answers, I'm sure, but suffice to say, that we must continue to hold fast to the traditions that we have been taught, either by word, or our epistle (St. Paul), and reject the novelties that have nearly destroyed the Church.  We should also realize that the gates of hell will never prevail against Her!  We have our Lord's very words and promise of that fact.  If we don't believe that, then we have despaired, and the devil has won the battle he has fought ever since Adam and Eve...

Pray for the one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, and pray too for our country to end the scourges of abortion, contraception, euthanasia, homosexuality, and now infanticide, and for the stability of marriage -- the building block of society...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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