Monday, January 20, 2020

Today Is Martin Luther King, Jr., Day...

The Protestant, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., quoted two Catholic Saints when he wrote his now-famous "Letter From A Birmingham Jail," regarding what constituted just or unjust laws.  Those two "mega-Saints" were St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Augustine, two of the most influential and well-known saints of the Catholic Church.

And on this day, we celebrate Dr. King's peaceful protest for equality of his people -- those "people" -- are our people too!  They are my black brothers and sisters, misused and abused, not by present-day Caucasians, but rather by those who claim to be their saviors: the Democrats.  Just the opposite is true, however.


By race-baiting and fear tactics, but much more importantly, by enabling the destruction of the most defenseless of our race: the pre-born!

Know, that even though black Americans make up about 13-14 percent of the population, black babies killed in the womb account for almost 34 percent of all abortions!!

This is stunning!!

But there is even more lunacy, and that is, that the so-called civil rights leaders are leading their own people over the cliff, in a modern-day version of the Judas goat, by advocating a radical abortion agenda.  This is not my opinion, but a fact that cannot be denied, as most of the abortion mills set up by "planned parenthood" are focused and concentrated in minority areas of black and Hispanic Americans.

This is not by accident, but by design, by that murderess, Margaret Sanger, foundress of what was to become known as "planned parenthood."

In concert with the barbaric sacrifice of abortion, the likes of "rev" Jesse Jackson, and "rev" A. Sharpton, foster the killing of their own little brothers and sisters... The only thing that I can figure out, is that those hypocrites have sold their immortal souls to Satan, for power and influence in this life, and to hell with the next...

I wonder what Dr. King might be thinking at this moment in time, that is, if God allows him to know about what is happening to his own, precious people here on earth.

I cannot judge Dr. King's soul, but I do know that he attempted to be a peace-maker between the races.  In the end, though, we Americans; black, white, et al, all have the same red blood coursing through our veins; we are all supposed to be our brother's keeper.  We should all be "good Samaritans," if that were the case, this would be a much better, more charitable world...

I hope all realize that this is just not another day off from work, but a day to remember a trail-blazer who fought for true equality before their neighbors, and the God that made us...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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