Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Miracle Of The Twelve Apostles!

What miracle of the Twelve Apostles?

This miracle: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I  have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world (St. Matthew, 28; 19-20, King James version of the Protestant Bible).

Now think about this for a moment... Here were twelve men chosen by our Lord, to continue the work of revealing to mankind -- all nations -- what He revealed and taught His Apostles, without the use of planes, trains, and automobiles.  Without the use of TV, Internet, "smart phones", and the like.  How did they travel "to all nations"?   By foot; by cart; by donkey; maybe even by camel; by boat, and, perhaps by bi-location (this last mode of travel, so to speak, is recorded in the Bible!  I refer to St. Philip and the Eunuch of Kandace, and forward.)

So, now we have twelve mostly uneducated men, chosen to bring the Word to all nations?  Of course, the key here, is that their Master, Jesus Christ, told them to do it.  He knew that they would be able to travel to all nations, and baptize those that listened.  Those who did not listen, were not of God.  The Apostles were also told that if that were the case, then they were to "shake the dust off" and go elsewhere, obviously leaving those folks to their own devices.  We can presume from that, that they were not justified nor saved, but that was for God to decide the fate of such people.

Note too, that the Apostles had little or no written "orders" or Scripture to accomplish this massive mission, but "only" the command of our Lord!  Neither did they have great memories to remember all that they were commanded to teach, but what they did have, was the Holy Ghost to inspire their speech at the appropriate time.

It is Tradition that many of the Apostles travelled to a good portion of the earth, and most suffered martyrdom at the hands of those pagans who hated truth, and simply did not want to change their way of living; in essence, they did not want to serve this "new God".

Faith comes by hearing, and we are also directed to stand fast to the traditions that we have been taught, either by word or our epistle (St. Paul).

It is also obvious that the preaching of the Apostles was just that, by word.  They had little or no written epistles to pass on to their new converts.  In addition, the men whom they consecrated as priests, continued their ministry by word of mouth -- anything written would have come in later years, yet the nascent Church continued to grow and prosper, even under the horrendous persecution of the powerful Roman Emperors attempting to stamp-out the newly baptized Christians.

In conclusion, it truly is a Miracle of the Twelve Apostles, and that miracle continues to this very day, as I, and my family, look to these great and holy men for direction and succor in a time of challenge for anyone attempting to hold to the unchanging teachings of the authentic Magisterium of the Catholic Church...

Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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