Saturday, January 4, 2020

What Was The Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide In 2019?

The following information was gleaned from an article in

 Over 42 million babies were slaughtered in 2019.  Let me write out that number: 42,000,000 (MILLION).

Interestingly, the total number of deaths worldwide amounted to 58.6 million.  However, that number DOES NOT INCLUDE THOSE KILLED BY ABORTION!  And the reason?  That babies developing in the womb "are not recognized as human beings, even though biology indicates that they are unique, living human beings from the moment of conception..."

I would ask all those folks reading this, to think about the genocide that occurs in this country, and in the world on a daily basis.  Where is the outcry from such organizations as the United Nations?  Why aren't there cries for justice for the denial of human rights of those poor babies killed in their "mother's" womb?   Why is this murder of the pre-born not stopped?

Why, why, why?????

How much longer will the Author of life, allow Mankind to snuff out His gift of life in the most heinous of ways, before He -- justifiably -- unleashes His wrath and destroys those who continue to mock and misuse the creative powers He has given men and women to procreate; to multiply and subdue the earth?  

Even in our country, and even with President Trump at the helm of the Ship of State, abortions continue unabated...

Pray for an end to this scourge of the killing of the pre-born, and pray for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us....

Gene DeLalla

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