Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Last Supper Of Christ And His Apostles...

What happened at the Last Supper?

Does the Last Supper continue today, or did it "end" after that Supper was finished?

Is there a connection between the Last Supper and what happens at a Catholic Mass?

As for what happened at the Last Supper as recorded in the Bible, we can figure out at least a few things from the Scripture verses that give us a good idea... Here are some key passages...

St. Luke 22: 19-22..  We read:

(We know that Judas is the betrayer sitting at the table.)
But let's take a look at St. Luke's account, and figure out just what is going on here...
First, Christ is telling His Apostles that the bread He blesses actually becomes His body!  And to DO THIS; do when?  At the Last Supper?  Yes.  After the Last Supper, and all the suppers after that, down through the ages.  He also blesses the wine and He states that the wine is now His blood!   
In this account, we have just witnessed Transubstantiation!  I think this needs repeating: Our Lord just changed the bread and wine into His body and blood right before the eyes of the Twelve!  Did they completely understand that, at that time?  Perhaps not, but they would later on, as they themselves changed bread and wine into their Master's body and blood through the power given to them as priests (and bishops), and fed the faithful with the Holy Eucharist...
Second, Does the Last Supper continue today, or did it "end" after that Supper was finished?  Basically, we just answered that question; see the above explanation.
Thirdly, is there a connection between the Last Supper and what happens at a Catholic Mass?
Yes, and that's the whole reason for the Traditional Latin Catholic Mass: to offer to God the Father, His Son's body and blood in sacrifice, as did Christ, Himself, who offered His body and blood to His Apostles for their strength and perseverance in what they would eventually face through persecution.  But not only that, but for the continuation of the one sacrifice of Calvary.  It is important to note, that we Catholics don't "kill" Christ again -- as He died once for all -- but the priest offers the SAME sacrifice as on Calvary, but in an un-bloody manner...
There are many other Bible verses to explain the Last Supper and the significance of the Eucharist; here are a few more...

St. John 6: 53-58... 
If one claims the Bible as their rule of faith, then can there be any question about the Eucharist, and its importance in salvation history?  What happened at the Last Supper continues at all Traditional Latin Catholic Masses every day of the year.
Briefly, let's take a look at what St. Paul tells us about Transubstantiation...
1 Corinthians 11: 23-25...
I think it is important to read what St. Paul tells us about receiving the Eucharist unworthily in 1 Corinthians 11: 27...

If Catholics were guilty of receiving a piece of bread (a wafer) and drinking some wine, it would mean nothing; it would not save, but if we Catholics actually receive the body and blood of Christ, then we are on our way to eternal life, that is, if we believe what Christ tells us in the Bible as we have just quoted some pertinent verses to explain the truth about Transubstantiation -- and, consequently, the REAL PRESENCE in the Mass.
It should be pointed out that all the verses quoted here are taken from the King James version of the Protestant Bible!!
I invite all of my non-Catholic friends -- whom I love -- to come into the one ark of salvation and receive the Bread of Heaven: the Holy Eucharist, and have life in you...
Pray for our country...
Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..
Gene DeLalla

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