Friday, January 17, 2020

Is More Proof Needed That Without Christ There Is Chaos?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that without Christ there is chaos in the world...

Of course, that is presuming that a rocket scientist believes in God in the first place.  That this supposition has to be stated is part of the problem that has consumed most of the Western "civilized" nations of the earth.

We know (?) that when there is an absence of good, evil will, and can, readily fill that void.  Can this be more apparent by the ongoing "legal" slaughter of the gift of life given to us by the Creator as co-creators with Him to multiply and subdue the earth?

But even this tragic and barbaric act of abortion -- an act that cries to Heaven for vengeance -- is one of many un-natural acts that we see and hear on a daily basis, right here in the U.S. of A.  I wonder how much longer our jealous God will put up with our apostasies and defiance of His commandments.

Will even the Elect be deceived by the enormous, and almost omnipotent influences of the demon to  persuade our wills to choose evil over good; wrong over right?  Remember, Satan can influence our intellects, but he that will not serve, cannot take command of our wills.  And yet, so many of us let our wills succumb to concupiscence over self-restraint and chastity.  Even -- and especially -- in marriage, there is not a "free-for-all," but a considerate and respectful love of one for another.  This can be a real, but necessary, sacrifice in order to exemplify to others -- especially the offspring -- what the true love of husband and wife really means in the state of holy matrimony...

We know that the family unit is the building block of society, and it is painfully apparent that the family is under constant attack by powerful forces dead-set on transforming the reality of family into something unrecognizable; something diametrically opposed to thousands of years of tradition.

The cry for human rights has also taken on a life of its own, but not as those black Americans who suffered for decades in order to achieve some semblance of equality among their peers, but rather for "rights" that contradict the Natural Law.  The examples here are legion, and encompass those evils that led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but today, are even more perverse!

Our rights granted to us by the Natural Law -- as an extension of divine law -- are also under constant attack by those intent on having the state exercising complete control of our lives.  The impetus for such attacks are the political forces of the hard Left, and their Godless Communist allies.  This is one reason that the upcoming presidential election of 2020 is so important.  Sure, I know Mr. Trump is not perfect, not by a long shot, but the alternative is almost too frightening to imagine!  The idea of a Biden or Warren, or even worse -- a Sanders at the helm of the ship-of-state, is nightmarish!

I am convinced that Satan has, in fact, taken complete control of the intellects of these Demonrat politicians hell-bent on completely separating God from the United States, and cementing our place in the "new-world-order".  Unbelievably, there is an ally -- a force -- coming from an unexpected source, and the leader of the Catholic world: the pope.  Who would have thought this would ever be the case??

The moral and spiritual beacon that once was the Catholic Church, for all practical purposes, no longer exists.  This is one of the many major scandals of our time, and it will, unfortunately be the case for many years, perhaps generations, before there is a complete turnaround.  Will divine intervention be needed, I don't know, but it seems very likely that it will be needed, and the sooner the better...

Even with all the gloom and doom scenarios that we see and hear on a daily basis, there is always hope!   This must be, because without hope, there is despair.  And what is the remedy for our topsy-turvy world?   Christ!  For without Christ, there is chaos!   Remember too, that we have His promise that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church!!

We have to -- as a nation -- get on our knees and pray, pray, pray, and pray some more, and beg for forgiveness for our sins against our Lord...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla 

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