Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Without God -- Without Christ -- There Is Chaos...

I have signed my articles with "Christ or Chaos" more times than I can count.

But it is a truism that cannot be denied, as is evidenced by what is going on, not only in the world at large, but closer to home, here in the U.S. of A.

How much longer will the Creator allow us to exterminate His gift of life to us by the "procedure" of abortion?

How much longer will the Creator allow us to invade, occupy, and disrupt other sovereign nations and cause unimaginable damage to a country and its peoples?

It is said -- and it has been shown in history -- that God will allow one nation to admonish or destroy another nation that had become evil, and turned away from Him.  There is another side to that, and that is, that the nation that is used to destroy another, can also be admonished or destroyed after it has fulfilled what Providence has directed.

What is going on in the Middle East, and has been going on for far too many years -- at a dramatic and disastrous cost in American lives and treasure -- doesn't seem to be simmering down; just the opposite.  The call for retaliation continues to ratchet-up with the prospect of more and deeper involvement in Iran as well as Iraq. Truly a quagmire of enormous and monstrous proportions...

Remember, it was President Trump, as a candidate, who ran on several promises to the American people, one was to disengage our entanglements in the Middle East and elsewhere, and bring our troops home.

What has happened to that noble promise?

Unfortunately, Mr. Trump is still surrounded by too many deep-staters; I call them neo-con war mongers -- hell-bent on funding the fat, happy -- and evil? -- military-industrial-complex that former President Eisenhower warned about just as he left office.  For without war, there is little incentive to develop new and more deadly weapons -- of war!

It is not a question of peace at all costs, it seems to be a question of  war at all costs with the bottom line -- that is, money; dividends and the like to stockholders and overpaid CEOs...

It is truly a "catch-22"!

What will happen next is anyone's guess, and that is why we must, not only pray for peace, but also speak-up with whatever talents that we have been given.

Once again: Christ or chaos!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

PS: Who was Fr. Miguel Pro some may ask?  He was a contemporary Catholic priest-martyr of the 20th Century who was shot by a firing squad by the Communist and Masonic controlled Mexican government back in the 1920s.  Fr. Pro used disguises to fool the "authorities" and minster to the faithful Catholics that were being persecuted throughout the country.  It should also be noted that, in 1531, Our Lady appeared to a simple Indian peasant, (St.) Juan Diego.  In the years that followed that appearance of the Mother of Christ, there were literally millions of converts to the Catholic Faith; the direct opposite of those that apostatized from the Faith on the European Continent after the Protestant Revolt (not "reformation")...

Gene DeLalla

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