Sunday, January 12, 2020

Patience, Please!

Have you ever realized that you have put not one, but both feet in your mouth?

I have...

Here's what leads me to do this almost on a daily basis: I just can't figure out why people can't express themselves the way they are supposed to, or, saying it in a different way; as I want them to!

Why is it that they just can't seem to say or write what is important, especially in matters of religion, the way I want them to say or write what is important?

I know I'm repeating myself here, but that's part of my impatience; that is one of my imperfections, and I can guarantee, I'm loaded down with them, as I recently mentioned in Confession...

See, it's like this... When someone (I won't name names) explains to me what "she" wrote to her son about our precious Catholic faith, I usually wind up saying something like: "how come you didn't explain that to me first, because you should have written this... or that...?   You left out the most important way to write what you wrote!!"

What's the matter with people?   Haven't they ever heard of mental telepathy?  It's quite a simple concept: it goes like this... You stare at someone that is writing or talking, and, as if by magic, they're supposed to know what you're thinking, and respond accordingly to the person they're talking or writing to!  Can't they read minds?

But I have found out that it rarely ever works!  Darn!

I think that most husbands will find what I have just written are "guilty" of this lack of patience.  (Notice I put the word guilty in air quotes?  Well, I did that because of pride, and not in the good sense either.  Pride seems to get in the way in many aspects of our lives, and transforms some of our actions and words into something non-Catholic; non-charitable.)

So, I have to admit that I am guilty of, not only impatience, but also pride (no air quotes this time).

Now the hard part: asking for forgiveness!  So, if I offended that person -- whoever he or she is -- I apologize.  I'm sure the way you expressed yourself to your son was just fine, and will help him come into the one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by none other than our Lord, Jesus Christ!
But remember, I'm here to help too!!

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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