Sunday, January 19, 2020

Watch For FALSE FLAGS In Virginia On Monday!!!

Things are quickly coming to a head in the land of Patrick Henry...

The tyrant, Gov. Northam, may be gearing up for a massive false flag led by the Leftists Antifa and other Communist sympathizers...

Make no mistake, the bad guys will infiltrate the ranks of the good guys, and start another Charlottesville, that is, if they aren't stopped dead in their tracks beforehand.

Remember that Northam, not only caused a ruckus with his "blackface" insult to black Americans, but more importantly, advocated for INFANTICIDE during a live radio interview!   But, alas, the media -- and the "law" -- let him get away with it, so now he doubles down on gun control because he feels emboldened by the majority in the Virginia house and senate.

Virginia is no longer "Red" or "Blue," but ready to enter the abyss of Hell itself.  Either the "representatives" of the people are completely ignorant, or they know exactly what they are doing in attempting to confiscate personal weapons from law-abiding citizens.  These un-American bastards, apparently, are in complete agreement with Marxist Communism, and they know that the first and quickest way to take complete control of the people, is to disarm the populace.  This has been proven time and time again...  And yet, these hypocrites do little or nothing to solve the crime wave that has devastated numerous big cities, and threatened the lives of the innocent.

The outlaw does not obey the law, that's why they are OUTLAWS!   Did you get that you idiotic Virginia reps??  Of course not, it's part of your diabolical agenda to allow social chaos to destroy, first the family, and then, once accomplished, to implement a one-world-order socialist utopia...

I ask all good guys and gals to pray for the patriots in Virginia, especially this Monday, and pray for peace on earth to men of good will...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla 

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