Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Why All The Malice Directed At President Trump?

Good question!

On the surface, the answer seems pretty simple, but a closer look reveals something more deeply rooted; more sinister...

There is an agenda here, at least on the part of the "progressives" to delegitimize a duly elected president, mainly because he is "not one of them"; he's an "outsider"; he is not part of the "establishment," and they just can't take it.

But it's even more than that...

If you take a simple look at just who are these characters attacking and lying about what Mr. Trump has or hasn't done, it is easy to see, that aside from the obvious malice directed toward President Trump, they know that he is an obstacle to fulfilling one of their main objectives: to transform our country into something un-American; something totally bereft of any sense of morality under the Natural Law, not to mention divinely revealed law.  In short, those on the Left, will not serve He who created them, but happily serve His main, infernal enemy, Satan.

Never before the 1973 disastrous Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that "legalized" the killing of pre-born babies in the womb -- and now, there are those that advocate the killing of BORN babies in the diabolical act of INFANTICIDE -- was the slaughter of the precious gift of life ever considered on such a massive scale.  And that is what this sham of an impeachment is really all about: the desire, no, the vow, to keep the attack and murder of the pre-born "legal" and available at all costs -- at all costs!   And Mr. Trump is a stumbling block to their bloody agenda, as he is proving to be the most pro-life president in the history of the nation!

I know that he is not perfect, even in that area, but nevertheless, he has proven to be an ally of the tiny babies in the womb and their struggle to live and breathe...

It is said that people can never change; I don't believe that...  It can be difficult, especially those that are steeped in a lifestyle that is compounded with mortal sin, but, as the Prodigal son returned to his jubilant father, so has Mr. Trump "seen the light," and has turned his life around because he has responded to Providential grace.   It seems to me, that he is more "Catholic" than some of our shepherds who align themselves with the very wolves -- the Demonrats in the Congress and the Senate, especially those who label themselves "Catholic" -- who also want to see the total and final destruction of what is left of the new-world-order "Catholic" Church.

This is right out of the Communist playbook, and it is being made manifest right before our eyes!

Heaven help America if some twisted, anti-life Demonrat defeats Mr. Trump in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.  I think if that happens, there will be civil unrest, and that would only be the beginning, not the end.

Please pray for Mr. Trump, and pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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