Friday, January 31, 2020

A Parental Challenge: Do NOT Let Your Children Watch The Super Bowl...

Fox Broadcasting will be hosting the Super Bowl this Sunday.

Fine.  But guess what?   Fox has seen fit to allow the culture of death in the form of an ad that will feature "drag queens" from the atheistic, Zionist "state" of Israel, to continue the media's agenda to further corrupt impressionable youngsters...

But Fox has rejected a pro-life, pro-family ad about abortion SURVIVORS!

Let that sink very deeply into your psyche!

The disgusting phenomenon of the so-called "drag queen story hour" at numerous libraries across the country, expose far too many children to the bizarre, un-natural filth that is part of the Left's agenda to present as "normal" and acceptable, that which cries to heaven for vengeance...

But the Super Bowl has an audience in the tens, or hundreds of millions of viewers across our fruited plain, as well as most of the Western, "civilized" world.

So, a couple of atheist, Zionist miscreants will be allowed to show off their filth to advertise a food product!  But Fox forbids those who survived the attempt by their "mothers" and "doctors" to kill them, leaving them with partially mutilated bodies, yet they praise their lives as a gift from God Almighty!  This is nothing short of a miracle!!

My challenge is a simple one to parents: do not allow your children to watch the Super Bowl this year.  In fact, I challenge you parents not to watch the Super Bowl either!  

My wife and I will make better use of the allotted time for the Super Bowl... Come to think of it, we will say a complete Rosary in reparation for this anti-life, anti-Christ, sinful agenda that will invade most of the households of American families...

Do you have the guts to boycott the Super Bowl, and, perhaps, do something much more pleasing to the God that sacrificed so much for you and I?

Pray for our country, and pray for our children...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!!

Gene DeLalla

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