Friday, January 24, 2020

Corpus Christi, Texas; Sangre de Christo Mountains Of Colorado And New Mexico...

So what is so special about Corpus Christi, Texas, and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico?
First, the name of the City of Corpus Christi literally means the Body of Christ.  Second, the Sangre de Cristo Mountains literally means the Blood of Christ.
Can you imagine what goes through the mind of an atheist who lives in Corpus Christi, Texas?  Or, how about an atheist who lives in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains?  
Each and every time those poor souls address an envelope, and put their return address on that envelope, they are reminded -- I hope -- of just what the city they live in has been named after!
Perhaps it is an actual grace for those non-believers who live in such places, that they will come home to Him who made them in the first place...
In point of fact, there are at least 56 cities in the United States that are named after Catholic Saints!!
Most know a few prominent ones, such as St. Louis, Missouri; named after King St. Louis IX of France.  Or how about the twin cities: Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, named after the great Apostle to the Gentiles, or (St.) San Antonio, Texas?
The State of California is loaded with cities and towns named after Catholic Saints... 
Here are just a few that just about everybody in the U.S., and the world, for that matter, know: San Francisco; San Diego; Sacramento (Most Holy Sacrament); Los Angeles (Queen of the Angels), and the list goes on...
Most of these cities were named by the Spanish and French missionaries that brought the Faith of Christ and the teachings of His Catholic Church to Native Americans and the Mexican Indians, with many of those very same missionaries suffering martyrdom in order to preach and Baptize.  And, as we know, without the Sacrament of Baptism, the gates of Heaven remain closed; they cannot enter the heavenly beatitude with Original Sin (by its nature, is mortal) on their souls.  The missionaries knew this fact, and also knew the price that they might have to pay for bringing souls into the Church, outside of which, there is absolutely no salvation for any human...
The East Coast also has many famous cities named after Catholic Saints such as: St. Augustine, Florida; St. Albans, Vermont; St. Albans, West Virginia; St. Marys, West Virginia; St. Florian, Alabama, again, the list goes on...
I just thought that perhaps this tidbit of information would help one to think about the early Catholic roots of our country, and the sacrifices made in order to fulfill the command of Christ to preach and baptize all nations.
One caveat: in today's America, I'm afraid that we have more American Catholics, than we have Catholic Americans.  The difference is titanic!  Further, I feel that over the last 50-60 years or so, the Catholic faith has been dramatically weakened by the novelties of Modernism.  I can't help to think of what our Lord admonishes in the Bible: When the Son of man returns, think He will find faith on earth??
I wonder too...
Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...
Gene DeLalla


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