Sunday, January 5, 2020

Traitors To The Republic...

During the 1942 battle for Stalingrad, one of the (political) commissars that had a hand in that battle, was a character by the name of Nikita Khrushchev.  Born in 1894, he was sent, by Stalin, to the front to help with the fight against the German army.  After the war, Khrushchev rose through the political ranks to become one of the main movers and shakers of the Soviet Union.

Representing the Soviet Union at the Security Council of the United Nations in 1960, there was a famous moment when he was seen banging his shoe on the table before him, saying: "we will bury you"!  Meaning that the Soviet Union will destroy the United States.

His threat was never fulfilled by the Russians, but his "prophecy" may be slowly coming to fruition...

What am I talking about, and who or what entity might carry out this diabolical agenda?

By now, we have all heard of a "shadow government" here in the U.S.  Some call it the "deep state."  Whatever you call it, these traitors -- and that is what they are -- are working hard to destroy, not only President Trump, but in the long run, our nation.

Who are they?  If you look closely, you'll see that many are holdovers from the Obama administration, but know that these stooges go back even further, from both Bush presidencies, and, perhaps, as far back as the Reagan administration...

Presently, these folks do their dirty work undercutting Mr. Trump at every turn.

Once these moles burrow their way into the deep recesses of the government bureaucracy, -- and that includes the "intelligence" agencies -- it is almost impossible to dig them out and expose them to the daylight for all to see...

One of the principal actors -- traitors -- in this attempt to overthrow our Republic includes the now-deceased Senator McCain.  And, if anyone wants to know more about the traitor, McCain, I'll be happy to point you in a direction that will send chills up your spine, and, I hope, make you quite angry.  So, I have no qualms about "picking" on a dead man... There are others, namely, the former Sec. of State, John Kerry, as well as H. Clinton, J. Biden, and, perhaps, Obama himself.  And present office holders, such as N. Pelosi, Sen. Schumer, and various other scum... These stinkers have travelled the world over and met with officials of other governments to try to counter the successes and initiatives of President Trump.  This, by the way, is one possible violation of the Logan Act, and the Hatch Act...

But the question begs: if these miscreants are, in fact, traitors, then why are they still walking freely in society, causing even more havoc with each passing day?  I have a possible answer: Lady Justice has turned not one, but two blind eyes to the job "she" is supposed to be doing.  In other words, there is a two-tier system of justice: one for the average Joe, and one for the elites...

But there is more sinister support for these bastards: the mainstream media and their lackeys are more than complicit in the crimes of these American Republic haters.  Like it or not, this is a powerful alliance of evil + more evil, making the role of true patriots more difficult.  But there is hope!  Over the last three years or so, ever since the hard Left has attempted to take down President Trump, Americans across the country are waking up to the real threat to their freedoms, and are fed up with the status quo -- in this case, a status quo right out of the play book of the Communist Manifesto...

Remember the adage: when there is a void of good, evil will certainly fill that void with great glee, and much success...

The answer is, and always has been: CHRIST!  And if not Christ, then chaos!

Pray for our fragile Republic, and pray earnestly for President Trump..

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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