Thursday, January 9, 2020

LOVE Of...

Love of God...

Love of country...

Love of family...

Love of friends...

Love of life...

Love of self... St. Paul tells us that a man cannot hate his own flesh; himself.  That would be the ultimate stupidity; the ultimate despair.

Love of God means many things to many people, but to me, it is quite "simple": To know, love and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next.

Love of country means many things to many people, but to me, it means being a good steward of the riches of the fatherland; being willing to sacrifice to defend the land that I love, in war -- and in peace.

A soldier, sailor, Marine, airman, and Coast Guardsman all sacrifice when they join the military and put on the uniform.

A military man does not run, but stands firm even against the most outrageous odds because he knows that he will be willing to fight for his brother next to him, and, if it happens, to make the ultimate sacrifice for him, not just a cause.

A military man's love also confronts fear, but again, does not run.  He is a sentinel for his country and for his brothers.  He remembers those that are no longer with him; that didn't make it back... This pains him more than anything, but the bond of love never dies...

Love of family is special and different more than any other form of love.  It means love of spouse, and the willingness to sacrifice; to provide for; to defend; to teach; to set an example for... And to create new life!

Love of friends is also special and different than any other form of love.  St. Augustine tells us that true friendship is a gift from God!  The love between friends; man or woman, also can include sacrifice for the well-being of that special person.  The elements of love of a friend only differs from the love of spouse in the sense that there is absent, physical intimacy; all else is, or can be the same.  It too, has an unbreakable bond that lives on, even after death.

Love of life means doing all that one's talent and influence can do to assure that justice for neighbor -- and that includes the pre-born neighbor waiting to come into the world, so that he or she can also love life and enjoy liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- comes to fruition.

And finally, love of self.. As I mentioned, the great Apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul, admonishes us not to hate ourselves.  This can, and usually does lead to despair, one of the major sins against the virtue of Hope!

Love never dies, but that does not mean it is easy or without roadblocks that need to be overcome.   It takes work and commitment to last a lifetime, and with the love of  God, it will last an eternity..

Just my two cents worth...

Pray for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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