Tuesday, January 21, 2020


We should all know what the meaning of the word treason is: the offense of attempting, by overt acts, to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family.

But here are synonyms for the word treason; see if they fit or don't fit what is happening in our country today...

1) Backstabbing, 2) betrayal, 3) disloyalty, 4) double-cross, 5) faithlessness, 6) falseness, 6) infidelity, 7) perfidy, 8) sellout, 9) treachery, 10) two-timing... I think you get the idea. 

Now, granted, we don't have a sovereign, but we do have a duly elected president, and his team, including the vice president, and selected cabinet members.

In my opinion, all the synonyms do fit as elements being used to attack, not only to our president and his supporters, but also brings to the forefront what is happening in our society in general.  It is also happening in the Catholic Church, under the reigning pope.  But I want to make a necessary and crucial distinction of just what I mean when I say "Catholic Church"...

It has been plain to see, that for the last 55 years or so, ever since the end of the satanically inspired Second Vatican Council, the modernists have practically taken over the entire Bride of Christ in its human element, that is.

The true Catholic Church has remained loyal to Christ and always will, and the gates of hell will never prevail against her, as we have our Lord's guarantee on that.

What passes for Catholicism today -- in the new-world-order church -- is a betrayal, a double-cross, a monstrous treachery perpetrated against the very Founder of the one ark of salvation for all humankind.  

In the minds of the modernists, it -- the church, at least their version of the church -- is just one of many "churches" or "religions" that can lead to eternal life.


If this were the case, then our Lord died an excruciating and unnecessary death on the Cross!   

If it were only the modernists that we true Catholics had to contend with, that's one thing, but we are surrounded and bombarded from every side, especially in the secular world, by continued murder and mayhem from the horrendous scourge of abortion as well as homosexuality being promoted as "normal."  And now, poor little children -- under the charge of ignorant parents -- are being subjected to the vile and un-natural at public libraries featuring "drag queens" touting outright filth and perversion, all in the name of "tolerance" and "inclusiveness"...

We are also seeing these demoralizing events in other Western "civilized" nations, being forced to accept the same satanic-inspired execution and destruction of pre-born life, and the family unit as a whole.  

Know, that the modernists are closely tied to Socialism and Communism, taking near complete control of all that we do and say, and, especially the right to defend ourselves.  Once that God-given right is nullified, then the final step to complete domination will have been accomplished!   

It is said that as the Church goes, so goes society... And I contend, that is exactly what is happening in the secular world.  In effect, we are seeing a very weak and sheepish clergy afraid to "offend" those still remaining in the pews of the new-world-order "Catholic" Church.  This epidemic has led to the rejection of belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the sacrifice of the Mass, and as this is the case, then those Catholics are in dire jeopardy of losing their immortal souls...

Those still faithful to our Lord are growing in numbers with young, large families attending the sublime Traditional Latin Mass in numerous areas of the country.  And even if the current pope, Bergoglio, attempts to stomp-out our Mass, he must be disobeyed; he must be resisted to the face!  We cannot and will not follow the Judas goat over the cliff to not only physical death, but more importantly to spiritual death as well...

Pray for good and holy priests and bishops to continue to stand up for the true Catholic faith by preaching, without compromise, what the authentic Magisterium teaches, and to guide their flocks to the heavenly beatitude.  In the end, nothing else matters, nothing!  

Pray for our country, and pray for the conversion of the new-world-order "Catholic" church that those responsible will return to the fold, as the Prodigal son returned to his jubilant father...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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