Friday, February 28, 2020

The Father Of Lies Is Also The Father Of Death...

We know that Satan is the father of lies, and he is also the father of death and mayhem.  For instance, he loves war because of widespread death and destruction of lives and property, not to mention the disintegration of families, which is his primary goal, similar to Socialists and Communists: Satan's children.

We have not experienced war on our own homeland, yet there are numerous ongoing wars such as in the Middle East and on the continent of Africa.   Let's face it, the so-called peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations has been a dismal failure.  In fact, when the troops of the U.N. are sent in to some war-ravaged country, they can do more harm than good, and have been accused of the very crimes they are supposed to prevent or stop in the first place.  Not a good track record...

However, there is an ongoing war against the pre-born in this country -- one of the longest wars in the history of mankind -- since the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized the murder of baby girls and boys developing in the womb of their mothers.

This war is very real for those pre-born babies as they are attacked by an enemy literally tearing them apart, just as an artillery shell could blow a human body to smithereens on the field of battle.  Or being chemically dissolved, similar to the horrible deaths caused by poison gas in World War I, which, thankfully, was finally outlawed by international agreement.

But about abortion?

Aren't over 61,000,000 (Sixty-One-Million) dead babies -- in our country alone -- convincing evidence enough to prohibit this genocide by the determined action of the community of civilized nations?

It seems not.

Fortunately, numerous abortion mills in our country have closed their doors because of lack of clients due to the efforts of God-fearing, pro-life folks that make up the majority of middle America.  And, after all, it's the bottom line -- money -- that matters in any business, even when it comes to the bloody business of killing babies...

We know that when people reject God, He is more than willing to send the operation of error as a punishment, influencing the intellect to make brash and irrational decisions that contradict right reason and the Natural Law.

As a horrible example, there is a viral video making the rounds on the Internet of a young pregnant girl laughing and joking about the abortion she is about to have performed on her pre-born baby.  A truly disgusting incident that plays right into the hands of the demon, destroying the gift of life given to us as co-creators of the Lord of all life.

I can't even imagine the upbringing of this young female, or should I say lack of upbringing!  What type of home-life did she have: the love of a nurturing mother and manly, caring father?  Or, perhaps, just the opposite, with little respect for the sanctity of life.  That would make sense in this case, especially if she did not wait until marriage to have relations with whomever the father is.  And by the way, where is the father?  Does he even care about this horrendous display of his cold-hearted girlfriend or wife, whatever she is?

This sickness must end sooner, rather than later.

I fear for the magnitude of the chastisement of the Almighty hurled against the hearts, minds, and bodies of those lovers of death and malice directed at His tiny gifts of life...

Pray earnestly for our country, and an end to the scourge of abortion.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Is The Coronavirus A Chastisement From God?

We know that God works through nature, and through men, even evil men...

Our Lord wept over Jerusalem and prophesied its total destruction.  In 70 A.D., the pagan Roman legions did just that, killing nearly the entire population, including non-combatants: men, women and children!

God used a pagan entity to carry out His divine will...

In compiling the Scriptures into what was to become the Bible, He used good men -- inspired men -- to propagate His Word throughout the world.  They traveled on foot; on donkey; via cart, or ship.  They endured threats of violence, with many suffering martyrdom for the sake of the true religion revealed by Christ as a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophets and the law.

Who did He use to spread the Gospel message before there were any written New Testament books?   For the most part, uneducated fishermen; a tax collector; a physician; and, perhaps, a farmer or two...

The nascent church began to spread like wildfire, even though persecutions by the Roman Emperors were ratcheted up to a horrifying degree, with many new Christians being thrown to the wild beasts in the Coliseum, or used as human torches to light the streets at night; or sold as slaves to the highest bidder.

But what God set in motion, could not be eliminated or stopped.  The juggernaut of the new faith eventually conquered the entire pagan world, but not without periodic sifting of the chaff from the wheat, as we see happening today, in the church, and in the world.

The recent phenomenon of the so-called coronavirus did not appear out of thin air, but may have been concocted by evil men, or may have been born in nature and used by those evil men for their own demented purposes.  

I don't know, and I doubt there is a consensus as to exactly what it is and how it is spreading so very fast, to the point that it may become pandemic, threatening a good portion of the population of the earth.   Then again, maybe not...

What is true, is that many thousands of people die from the flu every single year, mostly in areas and in people that had weakened immune systems, fighting some other type of illness at the time.  But this is rarely reported by the media, instead, the idea of spreading rumors and fear causes apprehension among the general populace.  Neither is the fact that nearly 40,000 people died in car accidents in 2018.  Where is the outrage of the mainstream media and the demand that something be done to stop these unnecessary deaths?   Yet this is minute compared to the number of babies killed in the womb in 2019: over 325,000, and that slaughter continues in 2020...

So, the question begs: is the coronavirus manmade, or something that occurred spontaneously in nature, and can this virus be a major chastisement from God for man's rejection of Him in favor of  the prince of this world: the father of lies, Satan?

Lent is upon us... If there ever was a time for prayer and fasting, this is it!

God have mercy on us all...

Pray, not only for our country, but also for personal sanctity...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Where Are The Child Protective Services?

How many horror stories have we heard about the shock-and-awe raids on law-abiding citizens -- parents, to be exact -- that had their homes besieged by cops, armed to the teeth, in full swat-team-riot-gear, to steal their children right out of their arms?

The crime of these parents?   They home-school their kids, or they pulled their children out of the indoctrination centers, better known as the public-school system, known for poisoning young children with filthy, so-called sex-education, or hate-America history as taught by Leftist teachers.  All this, in addition to unauthorized vaccinations of children without parental consent.

But there is more...

Parental rights end when the kids are dropped-off at school, so ruled in a recent court decision!

If parents care about the innocence, as well as the mental and spiritual wellbeing of their offspring, they have got to remove their children from the public schools, period.

And yet, when libraries sponsor the horrible drag-queen story hour to very young children, there is hardly a peep from law enforcement.

I contend, that the parents who take their precious children to see and hear these bizarre characters, usually men dressed in some type of female garb, should be subject to the authority of the Child Protective Services.

Or how about the so-called gay pride parade that feature such raunchy, filthy -- in some cases -- unclothed males or females -- performing near-sex acts in public, and with gullible parents standing idly by with kids in tow?  Why is the CPS nowhere to be found?

Make no mistake, some, if not many, of these satanically inspired males are known child molesters, yet somehow are allowed to influence some kids as young as two or three years old...

What we have here is a double standard of justice, if it still exists at all in today's America...

We are witnessing a debauched society going full-speed ahead to the abyss of hell itself...

If I could point to one major reason for this diabolical phenomenon, it would have to be the extreme weakness in what passes for the Catholic Church today.  Unfortunately, the church has given in to the spirit of the age based on the synthesis of all heresies, modernism.  It has rocked the church to its very foundation, with complicit priests and bishops refusing to preach the truth from the housetops.

There is hope, however, and that hope rests with the promise of our Lord Himself, that the gates of hell will never prevail against His true Church.

We have to pray for the quick demise of the new-order church that has destroyed far too many souls over the last 50-60 years, just before, during and after the satanically inspired Second Vatican Council...

Pray for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, February 23, 2020

"More" Russian Interference In Our Upcomng Presidential Election?

Here we go again...

If the past three-plus years of an orchestrated hoax of the Russians interfering in our presidential election wasn't enough, the brains over in the various intelligence agencies, are leaking classified info to the public to warn us of more interference!

If you believe that, then I have a bridge for sale on oceanfront property in Arizona... But hurry, this bridge is a very hot property and won't last long, so get your offers in pronto!

This utter stupidity will never end.   The Clinton News Network, a.k.a., CNN, and the New York Times -- a paper I wouldn't use to line the bottom of my bird cage, is spreading more lies and fake news.

Whether over the airwaves, or in newsprint, the Trump haters continue to make up stories about that wicked president of Russia, Vladimir Putin -- their characterization, not mine -- and his attempt to influence our electorate in voting for who, exactly?

Guess what?  The Leftist, biased, fake news is now attacking crazy Bernie Sanders, the Socialist/Communist senator from what used to be a pretty decent and down-to-earth state of Vermont.   Its very name: Vermont means Green Mountain, but has now turned deep, dark blue.

The reason for these attacks?   Because he has thrown the Demonrat party into a tizzy after taking the Nevada caucus by a landslide...

The DNC cannot let that happen, so look out for another back-stabbing grab of delegates from the Bernie camp to, who?   Your guess is as good as mine...

I digress...

Just who are the Russians supposed to be interfering for?

President Trump?   Or, Bernie Sanders?

The lunatics on the Left say both!  That's right, both!

Let's take a step back and regroup, and see what entity is doing the interference...

Is it the Russians; the Chinese; the North Koreans; the Israelis; the Mexicans; the Canadians; the Haitians?   I could list about another 100 or so countries, but I think you get the idea; try to nail down just who might be wanting to influence our 2020 presidential election.

I have a couple of theories...

It's not the Russians, but much more likely the heavy-handed influence peddlers, the Chinese Communists.

But I have another theory: the influence is not coming from the Russians nor from the Chinese, but from within our own country!


Who hacked the DNC servers the last time around?  Was it the Russians?  Yes, say the intelligence agencies and the mainstream media, and sadly, many conservative Republicans too.

No.  It wasn't from without the country; I repeat, it was from within our country.

There is plentiful evidence that the download speed of the DNC servers was far too slow to be hacked from outside the country, but about the right speed to download from within the country...

Remember Seth Rich, the young and upcoming Democrat working for the DNC?

He was found dead in D.C., slouched over a park bench.  The official cause: He was murdered.  He knew too much about the scandals and fraud of the Demonrats on those servers, and he was about to tell all, to relieve his conscience, that's why.

Just this past Friday, a whistleblower of the DHS, Philip Haney, was shot in the chest and killed.  The official police report: suicide.  If you believe that, it just so happens I have another bridge for sale...

Are the two connected in some way?  Of course, and so are many other supposed suicides that have taken out far too many decent folks that just couldn't take the corruption anymore and suffered the consequences of a bunch of power-hungry mobsters in the federal government...

One doesn't have to look to Russia for interfering in our elections, look within, and be shaken to the soul -- by the Deep State...

Pray earnestly for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Faith, Or Feelings...

Do you have faith, or feelings?

Listen to your heart; let your conscience be your guide; my gut tells me to make this decision or that decision...

We've heard these adages many times, I'm sure, but what are we to make of them?

They sound good; they sound right, but should they be the rudder that steers our ship of life, or should there be something more concrete; more sure that will guide us to our final destination?

As an example, a husband and father must look to his own family first before he can pour out his energies, for instance, to assist in the noble cause of the pro-life movement helping to save the lives of innocent pre-born babies.  If he were to neglect his responsibilities to his family -- to perfect their personal sanctity -- in order to take part in the movement, then his priorities are misplaced.  On the other hand, if he is anchored in the (Catholic) faith, then he can listen to his heart; let his conscience be his guide, or act on his gut feeling to do the right thing...

The Catholic faith teaches us that we must love God and neighbor, anything less, and one fails in his goal -- and command -- to preach and baptize, and to worship his Creator as he has been directed in accordance with his chosen vocation in life.

Sentimentalism and feelings, on the other hand are not based on faith -- without which, it is impossible to please God (St. Paul) -- but on an ill-formed conscience.  This can very easily lead to a false sense of compassion or mercy, forgetting that both the former are based on justice -- which comprises true charity for our neighbor.

St. Paul further states that "...though I give up my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing" (1 Corinthians 3, King James version of the Bible).

Sentimentalism, in fact, can be a destroyer of souls because it can ignore what has been transmitted down through the centuries by the Magisterium, and the deposit of faith: Scripture and TraditionSentimentalism can also deny what is required to know in order to reach the beatific vision after we leave this veil of tears, such as the denial of the key dogma of the teachings of Christ, that outside His Church, there is no salvation.  If all religions did indeed lead to salvation, then Our Lord's horrendous sacrifice on the Cross was superfluous.  Sentimentalism, or feelings, argue that God wishes all men to be saved; true, but leaves out the condition that one must come to the knowledge of His truth.

Sentimentalism is built on a foundation of sand that can shift with the spirit of the age  The faith, on the other hand, is built on the immoveable foundation of solid rock.  As in the fairy tale, the wolf easily blew down the house built of straw, but met his match when he huffed and puffed on the house built of brick...

Sentimentalism is part of our human nature, but must be mastered with the knowledge of revealed religion, and not human feelings...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, February 21, 2020

Sanders and Buttigieg: Two Peas In A Pod...

Radical Socialist Bernard (Bernie) Sanders said: "I believe in God..."   “My wife was raised as a Catholic, holds some pretty strong feelings,” according to an interview in  

Apparently, her feelings are not strong enough, because Catholic Church teaching clearly condemns Socialism (and Communism), which Sanders embraces.  So, why hasn't she explained to the love of her life that he's hell-bent for hell if he doesn't repent and become a practicing, traditional Catholic, and renounce Socialism and Communism?

The ideologies of Socialism and Communism are deadly to the soul, as well as the body.  Ideologies that exclude God, but raises the state (men) to be the god of the enslaved people...

And then there's the so-called Catholic, former mayor, Pete Buttigieg -- an open and practicing sodomite, spreading his filthy, scandalous lifestyle lip-locking his "husband," prancing around stage before adults and impressionable children alike.

Mayor Buttigieg also uses his so-called Catholic faith to justify, not only the sin that cries to heaven for vengeance, but also the slaughter of the pre-born!  

Sounds a little like the phony devout Catholic (her own words), Nancy Pelosi.

Of course, I could add another Catholic, Joseph (Joe) Biden...

Is there any doubt about why the new-order Catholic Church is on life-support, with one foot in hell and the other foot on slick ice?

Compromise and sentimentalism, Communism and homosexuality have just about wiped out the moral and spiritual beacon that once shown brightly in the Catholic Church, especially under the draconian reign of pope Bergoglio.  In effect, he has given aid and comfort to the enemies of Christ, while at the same time, condemning any attempt to convert non-Catholics to the true faith.  This treason is nothing new, and goes back many decades, even before the disaster that was and is, Vatican II.  In fact, it is the denial of the key Dogma of the true Catholic Church, that outside the Church, there is no salvation for any human being.

The new-order church has refused to preach from the housetops: the need to confess sins, amend one's life, and that mortal sin can condemn a soul to hell.  St. Paul tells us to work out our salvation in fear and trembling. 

We absolutely know that not everyone goes to heaven, yet there is a demented bishop that continues to spread the heresy that everyone does!  So, what is preached instead?   Social issues... 

Is there any doubt as to why the likes of Sanders, Buttigieg, Pelosi and Biden continue to run their foul mouths about being catholic, yet support -- without restraint -- abortion, contraception and homosexuality?

If anyone of these miscreants makes it to the White House, get ready for outright persecution, including martyrdom...

Pray for our country, and pray for the restoration of the true Catholic Church...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Demise Of The Boy Scouts... Is The Catholic Church Far Behind?

Bankruptcy ends the Boy Scouts of America...

This is a new phenomenon that stems from an old cause: the infiltration of the Boy Scouts by Modernists; that includes homosexuals and Communists.

There is a striking correlation to what has occurred in the Scouts, and in the Catholic Church.

The famed reputation of the Scouts can be summed up in their oath: The three promises of the Scout Oath are: Duty to God and country, Duty to other people, and. Duty to self.

Make no mistake, the Scouts were a great organization; our son rose through the ranks to nearly attain the much-sought-after rank of Eagle Scout.  The highest and most prestigious rank that a young man can attain in the Scouts.  

One of the missions of the Scouts is to form young boys into men, and men into solid citizens, and that is what happened with our son who served honorably in the Marines, and is now a college-educated family-man, as well as a husband and new father.

Over the past few years, the hierarchy of the Scouts, as did the hierarchy in the Catholic Church, succumbed to tremendous pressure from the enemies of the family and the Natural Law, to allow openly homosexual troop leaders into its ranks.

The results are there for all to see.

But it seems that this horrible abuse and attack on the youth of the Scouts has been going on since the 1960s, and going forward to the present day.  Sexual abuse lawsuits have drained the coffers of the Scouts, but more importantly, the moral and spiritual beacon has been almost completely extinguished, as is the case in the new-order Catholic Church.

All is not lost, though, as there are more than a few alternatives to the Scouts such as Trail Life USA; Pioneer Club; Royal Ambassodors; Knights of Columbus Squires; Faith-Based Boys; Contenders of the Faith; Alert Cadet, and several others, such as the Federation of North American Explorers (FNE)...

There is, however, no alternative to the one, true church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church.  And because there is no alternative, we faithful must fight from within to save the Church.  If we leave Her, then Christ's ancient enemy, Satan, would have won, but we know that will not, and cannot happen.

Pray for the Church, and pray for our country.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Satan Knows That If He Can Enslave The Children, He Wins The Battle -- And The War!

The title of my article may sound pessimistic, but I'm simply facing a growing reality that can readily be proven...

It is plain for all to see what is happening on college campuses across the country: radical, Communist professors indoctrinating young minds, unable or unwilling to think for themselves.

But it gets worse...

It is before students reach college that this indoctrination begins, and not only at the high- or middle-school level.  Now, it is occurring at the kindergarten or even pre-school level!

There is a pre-school in Brooklyn, New York, that has already begun teaching children as young as four years old about racism and victimhood, plus transgender and "queer" rights.

The following are a few excerpts from an article in

"Rosy Clark, a white pre-K teacher, sent an email to parents and guardians on January 16 explaining that the lesson plans for 2020 would include Black Lives Matter materials, and focus on the Week Of Action in a pre-kindergarten class.

“This year, the week is Feb. 3-7. We are starting to talk about these ideas now, as we approach Martin Luther King Jr. Day [which was Jan. 20], and as we prepare to go into February, Black History Month.

Clark continued “I am lucky enough to work at this wonderful school where we strive to help our students understand the complex world around them and think critically about how they can participate in improving it. One of the ways I do that in my classroom is by exploring the 13 Principles of the Movement for Black Lives.

"Though Clark insists she will not discuss traumatizing topics such as police brutality, she will be teaching the doctrines of transgender and queer affirmation as well as feminist ideas such as the importance of gender diversity in the workplace.

"In an interview with Andrea Peyser of the New York Post, one father of a preschooler indicated that  “They [the school] say they’re trying to reduce racism and discrimination. To me, they’re perpetuating it, fomenting a sense of victimhood in 4-year-olds that would never consider on their own.”

You can read the full article at the following link: A tax-payer funded nursery school.

The moral depravity of such teachers is beyond belief; they are doing Satan's damned work, not Christ's saving work...

My advice to parents who have children in that pre-school: take your kids out and home-school or find a decent Christian -- or other private -- God-fearing school and protect and defend your child's immortal soul.

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Moral Sickness Of Mayor Pete Buttigieg...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


“I mean, in many ways, one of the most conservative things in my life is my family life, right,” said Buttigieg.

“I have a very kind of ordinary American home life,” he said. “I got a spouse and a couple of dogs, and it’s something that I think most people can relate to.

“It’s just that my spouse is a man,” he said.

My comment:  This is the moral sickness of homosexuality, that for many, is accepted as normal.  And, no, Buttigieg is not "gay"; I'm gay: I attempt to live a life in the fullness of Christ, and love of neighbor, in addition to having a pretty wild sense of humor. So, yes, I'm happy and gay.

Remember the "gay 90s"?  If not, you can readily read about that decade of the nineteenth century at any library.   Was I there, no.  If I was, I would be about 130 years old!   But, at the library, beware, you might have to fight your way through parents with their children in tow to watch the depravity of "drag queen hour," further corrupting the minds and souls of the little ones...

Buttigieg has little or no concern for the massive scandal that he and his "husband" spread and foster, especially for the younger generation.  Their impressionable minds are waterlogged with the filth of sexual permissiveness and ignore the consequences of any actions they may take.  Far too many are brainwashed with the idea that contraception will allow all the "freedom" in the world, but they have become enslaved by the father of lies, Satan.   And of course, if contraception fails, there is always abortion, after all, it's legal; the Supreme Court ruled it so...

Unfortunately, the weakness of the human element of the hierarchy of the church
is still the main target of these morally and spiritually dead, but physically alive zombies, that spread their evil, and attempt to drag others to hell with them.   This has led to the near destruction of the moral and spiritual beacon that once was the Catholic Church.  Many bishops and priests who wear the Roman collar, are themselves, homosexuals or sympathetic to that diabolical agenda, further scandalizing the faithful, or what is left of them...

If the likes of Mr. Buttigieg wins the 2020 presidential election, the damage done to the soul of the nation will be incalculable, and God-fearing folks may face a persecution not seen since the days of the pagan Roman emperors...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, February 17, 2020

Can You Forgive Your Enemy?

Christ tells us that we won't be forgiven if we don't forgive.

As a practicing Catholic, I know that I have to forgive my enemy, but, honestly, I find it difficult.

There is one person that I struggle to forgive.  That person is Jane Fonda, of the famous Fonda acting family.  Many may know her father, Henry Fonda, one of my favorite actors...

So what is it that this woman did that tries my Catholic faith and tempts me not to fulfill the command to forgive?

Jane Fonda's treason to my Vietnam brothers and our country.

During the Vietnam war, she gave aid and comfort to the enemies of freedom by aiding the North Vietnamese Communists, as well as the Viet Cong Communist guerillas in the South.

The evidence for this treason is in the public domain, as one can see her in photographs with North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gunners taking aim at our jet fighters.  It is easy to conclude, that by supporting the propaganda of the enemies of the South Vietnamese people, the U.S. troops and our allies, she helped to prolong the war, and costs the lives of many more of our fighting men.

My struggle to forgive her has lasted for over half-a-century, and continues to this day...

Every once-in-a-while, I'll mention her in my prayers, but only half-heartedly, and with no real conviction.  I do hope I can finally make up my mind to take that final step to forgive her, so my many sins and imperfections may be forgiven too...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tomb Of The Unknown Soldiers...

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is located in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia.

The ghost-like, white marble sarcophagus, contains the remains of veterans of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and, at one time, the remains of an unknown from the Vietnam War.

Some of the following information of the Tomb, is gleaned from an article in Wikipedia...

With the advent of advanced DNA testing procedures, the unknown veteran of the Vietnam War was exhumed and finally identified as 1st Lt. Michael Joseph Blassie, a jet-fighter pilot who was shot down near An Loc, Vietnam in 1972.

On July 10, 1998, Lt. Blassie's remains arrived home to his family in St. Louis, Missouri... He now rests at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery.  I can only hope that this brought some measure of closure to the Blassie family, as it does for me, a Vietnam Veteran...

The slab over the crypt that once held the remains of the Vietnam Unknown, has been replaced, and a new inscription has been changed to "Honoring and Keeping Faith with America's Missing Servicemen," 1958-1975.  

The Crypt...

North and South panel with three wreaths on each side represent (in 1931) "a world of memories" but later the six major battles engaged in by American forces in France: Ardennes, Belleau Wood, Château-Thierry, Meusse-Argonne, Oisiu-Eiseu, and Somme. Each wreath has 38 leaves and 12 berries.

East panel that faces Washington, DC, are three Greek figures representing Peace, Victory, and "American Manhood" – but later Valor instead of American Manhood.

West panel is inscribed with (centered on the panel):

The Tomb of the Unknowns, is guarded 24-hours a day, in all weather conditions, all year long, by specially selected and trained -- and dedicated -- soldiers of the United States Army's 3rd Infantry Regiment, known as "The Old Guard."

One cannot but be moved with deep emotion when seeing and listening to the guards as they walk back and forth in a specific cadence, protecting the remains of their brother veterans, as well as keeping good order among the onlookers.  Silence is absolutely golden when attending this historic ceremony, respecting those that gave their all for their country, and for the peoples of other nations, freeing them from the shackles of tyranny and oppression. 

It is important for all Americans to remember and pray for those Unknowns and their families, and to realize that the freedom we enjoy is not free, but comes with the heavy price of the ultimate sacrifice...

Our Lord relates to us in the Bible, St. John, 15:13, Greater love has no one but this: to lay down one's life for one's friends... 

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Absolute Insanity Of The Establishment Media...

Is there any doubt that what passes for the establishment media in this country has lost its collective mind?

The pure venom and malice directed toward anyone, and anything that supports, not only President Trump, but also directs its hate at anyone that fears God, and is, at the very least, conservative and pro-life is obvious for anyone who has eyes to see.  And when I say "pro-life," I simply mean a person or persons that know that a child in the womb is a gift from the Lord, the Creator of us all, and has the right to breathe air, not only that, but to give that child the ability to know, love and serve God in this life, and to be happy with Him in the next.

Those brutes that slaughter that tiny developing life in the womb, are serving, not God, but the demon; the devil; the father of lies: Satan.

The massive support given those anti-life miscreants -- "pro-choice," so-called, but not for the baby -- by the mainstream media is nothing short of diabolical.  But this is no surprise, as they are the useful idiots of the culture of death movement in this country, and anywhere else in the "civilized" Western world that twists life into death, by not only snuffing out that developing baby in the womb, but also supporting the bizarre and deadly sodomite agenda.

Yes, deadly to the body and to one's immortal soul...

It borders on being truly sick to see the continued attacks on what is left of the traditional Catholic movement in our country, as real Catholics are mocked and defamed at will in the movie industry as well as on TV or the Internet.

Real Catholics are getting little or no help from "pope" Francis.  In fact, the media is buttressed by the popes' criticism of those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass, and those who realize that all must become Catholic in order to attain the beatific vision at the end of their lives.  He actually condemned the attempt to convert non-Catholics, to the Catholic faith, as "serious sin"!!

The media eats this up!

The "Vatican" -- I use air quotes because just who or what is the Vatican these days? -- is now under almost complete control of Modernists and homosexuals, or at least those who are sympathetic to their abominable agenda

In reality, what we are dealing with is not the Catholic Church that has been handed down from the time of Christ and His Apostles, but something that is unrecognizable; a mere façade; something demonic, yet in the end, we know the outcome, and Christ's promise that the gates of hell will never prevail against His real Church.

But we also know that many are suffering because they -- we -- are holding fast to the truth of our unique Catholic faith.  So let the trials and tribulations continue as the martyrs of the past were strengthened with the knowledge that God was in their corner,

Regardless of the continued attacks by the Leftist media, the truth will eventually win out, and the forces of evil crushed under the heal of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, February 14, 2020

Self-Hating, Self-Destructive Black Americans...

It pains me to examine this bizarre phenomenon of self-hating, self-destructive black Americans.  If you ask me why, I can reveal that when I was in Vietnam, I had a couple of close black G.I. buddies that I would have fought for and, if necessary, die for, in defending and protecting them if attacked by the Viet Cong, North Vietnamese regulars, or any sapper that wanted to do us harm or destroy our aircraft or base personnel.  As you can imagine, I took this grave responsibility very seriously, as we were willing to fight for each other, rather than for a cause, no matter how noble...

And yet, in this presidential election year, we continue to witness a quite strange and bizarre movement by some black Americans to support the most radical candidates for their party's nomination to run against President Trump.

Take, for instance, the former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, a RINO; that's a Republican in name only, but, for all practical purposes, a Democrat, but, as I like to label such miscreants, a Demonrat.  I use that label obviously because they have given themselves over to the demon; the devil; Satan; Beelzebub, call it what you will, but I think you get the idea...

Now, Bloomberg is a billionaire -- a BILLIONAIRE -- but instead of using his vast fortune for good, and advance a pro-life agenda, he does just the opposite, and is 100 percent for the killing of the pre-born, and for the sodomite "lifestyle".   But he is not alone... All the remaining candidates on the Demonrat side, are radical pro-death folks, who want absolutely no restrictions on the killing of tiny, developing babies in the womb.  And now, most see nothing wrong with infanticide; that is, after the baby is born, whether through the normal way, or for a fortunate child that survives an attempt to take her life through the heinous procedure known as dismemberment or chemically dissolved in the womb.   This evil has been proven by the on-air admittance by the governor of the state of Virginia, Ralph Northam, that the baby should be made "comfortable," then it is up to the "mother" and her "doctor" to decide whether or not the poor thing should live or die.  In effect, becoming a god: judge, jury and executioner of a defenseless human being, endowed by God with an immortal soul, but not given the chance to know, love and serve Him in this life, and be happy with Him in the next...

Truly diabolical!!

In this country, black Americans make up about 13-14 percent of the population, but nearly 34 percent of all aborted babies are black!  Yet, far too many blacks support the likes of Bloomberg, and the Demonrat candidates.  In fact, the so-called civil rights advocates, such as the "Rev." Al Sharpton, and the "Rev." Jesse Jackson, are all part of the culture of death, and support a woman's "right to choose" -- to kill her baby: TO KILL BLACK BABIES!

Are these self-hating black Americans stupid, or culpably ignorant?  Either way, they are fulfilling the main objective of the foundress of what has become "planned parenthood," that god of death, Margaret Sanger.  She specifically targeted the black population in this country for extinction.  If you find that hard to believe, the information is in the public domain, easy to find, but difficult to read about how she would get the black pastors to help in that devilish cause to eradicate their own race.  And that is just what is happening today.   It's called deja vu, and means that something is heard, or something that is happening that you already know you heard or experienced happening in some way in the past...

These blacks are playing right into the hands of the demon by killing their own precious babies; their very future existence, all because of the phony and deadly support for the radical proponents of abortion, and the hate toward anyone -- even other blacks, especially pro-life, conservative blacks -- that don't buy into the "plantation" mindset.

Rest assured, my fellow black Americans, the Demonrats are not your friends, and never have been.  If necessary, don't take my word for it, do a slight review of history, and that will give you overwhelming proof of what I have written here...

The Bible tells us that we cannot serve Mammon and God; we must make a choice; it is either/or, not both.  We are also told that if we reject God, then He will send the operation of error allowing us (He does not interfere with our free wills) to think that doing evil is good, and doing good is evil.. Isn't that what we see happening today in our country?

Put simply: Liberalism is a grave sin, and some say, a mental illness.  I believe it is both...

Wake-up my fellow black Americans!

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Virginia Is Now The Most Anti-Second Amendment State In The Union!!!

The traitors in the Virginia legislature have finally done it: they just passed the most radical anti-Second Amendment bill that will be sent to their co-conspirator, the governor, for his signature.   You can bet that Northam will sign that bill into "law."  That will make Virginia far more anti-weapon than the state of California, if you can believe that!

Here's the problem for Gov. Northam: there are about 100 counties and municipalities that have declared themselves to be Second Amendment sanctuary territories.  That's bad news for the socialist governor...

Let's remember just who this character is; remember, this guy admitted, on-air, that infanticide can be committed so long as the poor baby is "made comfortable," then the "mother" -- and what about the father?? -- and her "doctor" can make the decision to terminate the nascent life of the tiny body just born, or that survived an abortion...

This truly sick individual must be removed from office!  Gov. Northam is no better -- and maybe even worse -- than Stalin or Hitler...

And now, this sycophant's dulled intellect has completely rejected the Natural Law, in favor of the enslavement of serving the father of lies, Satan, for unaccountable power and influence in deciding who can live, and who can die.

But, in addition to his hate for newborn life, he also wants to confiscate the weapons of law-abiding citizens of his own state.  For what reason?   Well, let me answer that question: for complete control of the lives of God-fearing, Second Amendment loving, patriotic Americans as part of his diabolical, dictatorial agenda to consign the natural rights granted by God, to the dustbin of history...

In recent weeks, there have been peaceful demonstrations by real patriots exercising their right to bear arms, guaranteed by the Constitution and the Natural Law.  Not only that, but there is serious talk of many counties within the state, to secede from Virginia and join West Virginia.  In fact, the governor of West Virginia has offered said counties to join his state!   This is good news for the Virginians, and bad news for the dictator, Northam.

But can this be done legally, according to the Constitution?  Article Four, Section Three, indicates that such can only be done with the consent of the various state legislatures, AND the U.S. Congress...  Not much chance of that happening...

However, the Declaration of Independence does give credence to what SHOULD be done when the government becomes an absolute despot toward its citizens... Here is the pertinent section: "... it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

What are the patriots to do?

Is outright rebellion in the wind?

Stay tuned; things will get much worse before they get better in Virginia, but know that if the federal government falls into the hands of the radical Left -- especially those Demonrats running for their party's nomination for president -- attain the oval office -- there will be another 1776!!!  That scenario is not even up for debate; it will happen!

Pray for our country, and pray for the defeat of these anti-life, anti-American miscreants...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Where's Your Justice? Justice? I Don't Need No Stinkin' Justice...

Yeah, I don't need no stinkin' justice, just jail time, while others -- criminal traitors go scot-free...

Remember Gen. Flynn?  How about Mr. Roger Stone?   Do those names ring a bell?

They should, because if these patriots can be destroyed, and given jail or prison time, then so can you and I under the so-called "Department of Justice"... What a joke!

Meanwhile, we have true, corrupt criminals walking around free as birds.  I can name about 20 or 30;  maybe more, if you like...

So, Gen. Flynn was hoodwinked into a trap by the fabulous, marvelous, trusting fighters for law and order: the F.B.I.   Mr. Stone was accused of lying to Congress, and tampering with a witness.  Really?

If you believe the lying prosecutors, Flynn and Stone are desperados who should get their comeuppance because -- get this -- they trusted those DOJ reps!

Gen. Flynn was told that he was going to be interviewed, but that he didn't need a lawyer!  Even the FBI agents that tricked him, said that he didn't lie, but their report was edited and used against him!   Mr. Stone didn't do much, but was attacked, why?   Because both Gen. Flynn and Mr. Stone were supports, and close to -- you guessed it again: President Trump, that's why.

Remember, the hard, radical Left hates Mr. Trump, and that includes most of the Demonrats in the Congress and the Senate, including that miscreant Sen. Blumenthal from Connecticut.

Who is Sen. Blumenthal?

You might remember he is the stealer of valor; the valor that belongs to my Vietnam brothers, with over 58,000 ending up on The Wall..  This piece of human debris claimed that he was in Vietnam, but he wasn't, and yet this liar continues his program of malice and hate for anything and anyone Trump.  I say it often: people get what they deserve, and those useful idiots that keep electing this punk to the Senate should have their collective heads examined...

I have a quick and easy solution for the unwarranted sentences imposed on Gen. Flynn and Mr. Stone: a full pardon from the president.  He has absolute authority to do so, as have many Demonrat presidents done in the past.  Sure the Leftists will scream and holler like hell, and call for more impeachment investigations for Mr. Trump, but so what?  Who cares?   Just do it Mr. Trump; do what real Justice should do; you can do it!!!

Pray for our country more now than ever...

Viva Cristo Rey!!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...